Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

@DougDawson Sorry for acting like a dick. I felt like what I had said was misconstrued about not winning anything yet.

That just really rubbed me the wrong way and I took it personally like I was getting laughed at or like you thought I was complaining about not having won anything. Coming from someone that has played A LOT of RPGs for the last couple decades, I know exactly how the RNG’s work. After five years back in the day of playing PSO finally having the item drop that has 1/12603 for the drop chance… Just because it has a 1/12603 chance to drop, it means that are your odds EVERY time… So yeah, could run two numbers a trillion times with it ALWAYS picking number 2. Long story long, I don’t care about winning anything. It’s just fun to play, and honestly, the best part about something like this is the slim chance of having something showing up in your mailbox besides junk mail! None want’s to read though my long post, but for anyone that made it to the end, third person to @ me can have the pollen. Based on the genetics, I should be a great one. I just don’t have anything to throw it on ATM and feel like it could go to better use to someone that might have a plan for it!

Thanks Doug for yet another wonderful giveaway! Sorry again!


Put it in the freezer and save it for later.:peace_symbol:


I suppose. It doesn’t take much to make a bunch of seeds right? Maybe I’ll split it with the the third to @ me then… No, I said they could have it. We’ll see if anyone reads it till the end :crazy_face: if not, in the freezer it goes


Read to the end, just stick in the freezer until you are ready to make some seeds! Congrats on the win :trophy:


save the pollen. one hour good things come out, and you do some raffles too!


It’s all good @ix3u , nothing to worry about. That’s what happens sometimes when folks are typing, things can get misunderstood. Glad we got it sorted. It does not take much pollen to make seeds. In fact a grain of pollen, which is enough to create a seed, is smaller than the human eye can see. Each bag of pollen I send out has the potential to make thousands and thousands of seeds. I would do as others suggested if it were me and toss it in your freezer. It will keep till you have a use for it but that’s totally your call.


Typed words have taken a lot of the personality and inflection out of communication. As much as I love technology, it has stunted us in a lot of ways. Thanks for the understanding.

Well I don’t want to be a reneger, so if it happens it happens… I’ll give it like an hour and if no takers, in the freezer it goes!

Edit: oops, not how that’s spelled :anguished:


What pollen? Blue Kush?


I did a double take…“i don’t think that’s spelled correctly!” :joy: :rofl:


Right… Managed to get it fixed pretty quick, but I’m sure it got a couple views :drooling_face:


Yea @ix3u i definitely seen it


Yeah… I typed it, posted it, reread it, and was like there’s no fucking way that’s right… It wasn’t. So sorry to anyone that saw it before I fixed it.


Well I’ll certainly be the guy to take a split if no one else has


@Thats_bank Tell you what, I’ll ahead and get it and send you half. From everyone’s comments, I should definitely save some, but don’t mind helping spread it around. @DougDawson what do you put it in? one of those little vials seeds sometimes come in? I think I have a couple extra sitting around.


I just put it in little zip lock baggies. You could take half out and store in one of those vials and send the baggie on. They fit well in the envelopes.



Those vials look nicer than the ones I have! Sounds like a plan though… That looks like ton of pollen (in the bag, not the ridiculous amount already bagged up, but that too)


Yeah, that was PPP. The vials I put in my freezer, the rest I passed out to other growers. I do the same every time, save a few vials and give out the rest.


I grabbed some of the PPP from @JohnnyPotseed … It looked pretty great, so hard to pass up.


Yeah, those were from my run. He also did some PPP crosses with the pollen I sent him. Nobody that has grown those PPP seeds has had anything but good things to say about the strain.


I’m going to draw for the Fleur de Mal mix pack winner, I’ll be right back with the winning name. Best of luck everyone!