Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Think I’llsit this one out…LMAO!

The North Indian Bakery has HUGE leaves, very Indica, and a shrubby/xmas tree structure-- she tones down the branchyness of the Ancient OG… A very nice cross!


Only entered again since my favorite number was next in line when I ran across it… how were there only 12 entries after an hour??? Everyone must be taking it easy after a hard 420! Thanks @DougDawson !
Good luck everyone!


I think about 40 ppl have already one haha.

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I’d love a bag o’pollen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m entering until I win or he runs out lol

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Yeah I could see that. He does like two every day! I already committed to passing along half of what I got to someone, so in the off chance I win again, I’ll just have Doug send it the other guys way so I don’t have to finger-bang it to pass along.

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I think everyone has a 420 hangover :face_with_head_bandage:

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Cheers mate, the force is strong



I’d definitely be interested just not sure when I’d be able to run it . Like the name “stand up guy” your pictures look great.


Hi @FattyRoots
Green yoda(baby yoda when was a child) was the name of my first cat when i live on rio de janeiro.
They travel with me to ny twice times.
Green jedis are welcome on brazil
Now im without animals.
But still lovin star wars and George Lucas games like monkey island
Nice realism tattoo.

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@Klocwork33 you’re gonna love it here :call_me_hand:

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Sorry you don’t have any more cats :pensive: I’ve got a couple and if I lost one, I’d be heartbroken :sob:

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just because it’s very difficult to get attached to an animal and then feel the pain of losing it that I don’t want to have anymore.


I more than understand. Out of the few that we have, If something happened to my favorite (he’s incredible) I would NEVER get another one. They would never live up to him.

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Definitely you understood me.
You copy that.
Thats true bud.
I feel the same
Im a soon future we dont know if we had another one. Its a lovely animal.

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DUDE DUDE!! Seriously that is some sic ass ink. The work and lines are great but the colors wow! Yoda looks like you got him before the rest. Those colors POP how old are they do they get touched up? Is that a wake board I see there?:call_me_hand:


Congratulations @Tejas , nice win woot woot :peace_symbol:

@CTGrown :mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm:

@PioneerValleyOG :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face::partying_face: many many thank’s i received you second post card :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Earth day is my birthday so lets give some seeds away winner gets to pick from
La pure kush x (gg4 x jillybean)
Exotic spice x (gg4 x jillybean)
Panama x (gg4 x jillybean)
Panama x (gg4 x jillybean) x (panama x bangi haze)
Panama x (panama x bangi haze)
Uganda x (green haze x malawi)

  1. @Kasper0909
  2. @DiRtYSkuNkZ
  3. @ShiskaberrySavior
  4. @Kronnkk
  5. @hoss8455
  6. @Smooth
  7. @Thats_bank
  8. @donuchee
  9. @BudWhisperer
  10. @Sincitytoker
  11. @Kami
  12. @Tao
  13. @THCeed
  14. @STIGGY
  15. @olschool
  16. @HollySun91
  17. @dingys
  18. @Cannaology
  19. @A-Loc
  20. @MonsterDrank
  21. @FattyRoots
  22. @503BudMan
  23. @Abbbian
  24. @CocoaCoir
  25. @MissinBissin :canada:
  26. @LedZeppelin
  27. @Ghgrower :us:
  28. @mota
  29. @Tracker
  30. @killabud
  31. @djtrip
  32. @Tripl3fastaction
  33. @OhNo555 :us:
  34. @Mrgreenthumb
  35. @CanuckistanPete
  36. @HumblePie420
  37. @blowdout2269
  38. @MyLittleGrundle :us:
  39. @duo :canada:
  40. @Kgrim
  41. @blkbelt65
  42. @yardgrazer
  43. @illicitmango
  44. @Tugthepup :us:
  45. @Tuned :canada:
  46. @HeadyBearAdventures
  47. @Greenfingers :us:
  48. @Weednerd.Anthony
  49. @AzSeaindooin420
  50. @Mr.Christmas
  51. @RadioWaves
  52. @Natea
  53. @freed1🇨🇦
  54. @patsnumone
  55. @tresbundles
  56. @iceman
  57. @Tejas
  58. @Piter :es:
    Add #s as needed