Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

I am just joking around

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You get me bud!

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Oops, it seems like it might actually be 37. I was thinking there were 4 episodes, but looking more closely there appear to be 5.

@HollySun91 can you get brazillian landraces ?

He is not even here. LOL

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37 for the win

Hi man. Is a Complex Land here get access to take some landraces beans here!
But we can get!
Just patience and be on the right place!


69 for the win

century 19

I am here. I am was dealing wit& a raccoon…


39 maybe…

Tried to post video :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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41 maybe 10 char

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Century 19 is correct

How many letters in guy on a Buffalo? Sheesh.

And how many series?

13 char 10 char

31 answer…

3 seasons 10 char