Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)


I will give the answer at 12:30PM :clock1230: East Coast Time

For Fathers Day…First person with 10 or more green pips to the right of your name who can answer these questions will win a 5 pack of Double Grape auto seeds and a 5 pack of Cap Junky S1 fem photo seeds.

Jake Haley eventually got the job.

What I want to know is what is the most famous role of the man he replaced? And what role did that man play in the 1961 movie with Audrey Hephburn? And finally what was the replaced man’s birth name?

How fast can you google


shot in the dark,i don’t see the other parts of the answer in the lyrics…but,Celebration Day?

Hots on for Nowhere, sucker fools!


So far we got: Led Zeppelin, album Presence, 1976, snowman :snowman: and something to do with :santa:

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Hots for no where reindeer and santa

You 🫵 got the song so now put it all together for the win :trophy:!:clap::+1:🫵

So close read the question and answer all correctly at one time :+1:

Led zeppelin 1976 hot to nowhere presence Santa reindeer

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What else come on you got this one👍

Bring it on home !:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Blue cheer,
the beast is back - 1984
Hots for nowhere: Atnas , Reedniar

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  1. led zeppelin
    2.Presence 1976
    3.hots to nowhere…reindeer and snowman!
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On one last entry on the answer and you got it

You got one of the characters

  1. Jed clampett, Beverly hillbillies
  2. Wizard of oz
  3. John Joseph haley jr

For @LoveDaAutos

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No but LMAO

Clue I gave you the last answer already

Hhts for nowhere, Namwons, atnas

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