Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 9)

Helps when the silly stoner spells it right :crazy_face:


Thank you Doug , Thank you mates!
WE ll have a new Weed to start the year!
I appreciated @DougDawson

Well it looks like we are back to Sugar Ray :slight_smile:

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a wave of black snow… a wave of black snow … :wink:


LOL, there should be a tidal wave of Black Snow out there at this point.

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2 packs of sugar Ray? That’s almost 4 percent of the total production!

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wanna trade some black snow for some swakhammer? i got some black snow

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took it from a song called black snow, lol.

Lol, since he produced the black snow, I’m guessing he’s all set

me too, :laughing: :rofl:

oh crap lol
lol wasnt thinking

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LOL, he made the black snow brother :slight_smile: Did you really want some Swakhammer @JohnnyPotseed ?

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yes please but I’m still trying cuz lol

I have a pack coming of the Grape Zkittle I won the other day from you

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now you don’t need your fast fingers old man, lol


giphy (2)
Johnny gets some Swakhammer. Now let me come up with a question for the Sugar Ray


Well thank you kind sir!


Fast as the US mail, maybe lol

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So feb 2023

Ok, for a pack of Sugar Ray be the first to correctly tell me what year he won a gold medal in the Olympics?


@DougDawson do you need me to DM ya about this cuz? So you don’t forget in your feeding frenzy?