Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 9)

I’m too new by a week and a day. :frowning: Already won a pack of these, but they arrived in a fine powder… meh. Oh well, not like I can honestly say I need them, I’m just a strainaholic. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Really, how did I send em?

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@Pigeonman 6 is open I think

Nah. Not a dick. I get it. Also as I’m just learning this is probably a true statement until I get more comfortable lol.

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I just looked and I’m also a bit new for this giveaway (about a week). You take 13 @Pigeonman and I hope it’s lucky for you!

@Pigeonman get 15, isn’t available?

10 is available too

I love ALL OF YOU for thinking of me.
S’all good though. I’m gonna go make another coffee and then sit back and rejoice with the winner of this fire and then hope to see them grow in the year through their caring hands :heart:

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You didn’t, they were from @ItsintheGenetics… I think he said he was gonna send others anyway, now that I’m thinking about it. If not, no big deal, I’ll survive without 'em. :slight_smile:

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Ill pick 7

Taken I believe by @Rhino_buddy (@Greenfingers )

Okay that makes more sense. I haven’t sent any of these out yet (except a pack of immatures) :wink:. Those were the subcool x WCT cross that got crushed

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I think @Pigeonman gets 13 since @Loggershands says he is also too young.


@Pigeonman is sitting this out they said

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Oh, were they? Ok, I can’t even keep track of what I’m winning anymore, that pretty much says it all about how much I need these I guess. :wink: Since you said you were hoping these actually get grown soon, I don’t qualify there in any case. Full tent, full basement, and need to spend even more money on another lightrail before I can expand what “full” means…

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If 13’s in, i’ll roll those dice.


ok 10 then

Numbers left 4,6,12,15

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There we go!!!

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going with 12…if not taken