Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

I’m pretty sure I’ll name the King Tut and PPP cross, ‘Cannabis Rex’… Now on to some other names…


t rex handjob !! cuz he cant reach!!


There are some dam fine guitar amplifier speakers called Cannabis Rex.

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Hell yea @JohnnyPotseed, can’t wait for those creations to make their way into the OG world!


absolutely where does the line start drooling over here
edit also glad you got or are getting the STS to work gives me hope lol

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Bro, people nowadays don’t know what the heck you’re speaking of!!! In the deep South, I remember them passing of those Boxes of Commodity Welfare, people bartering items back and forth. The BEST Mac and Cheese was made with that Commodity Cheese. Ain’t ashamed either, made me 'preciate every dam. thing I’ve earned!!! When you never had anything, makes you value what you manage to acquire. “Suffering shapes the soul”, my Grandmother said. SS/BW, enjoy the weekend…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


There is something to be said about embracing your existential angst instead of trying to fill it with stuff.


I like that. They are wise words. I’ve seen that a life without obstacles to overcome and some struggles along the way, most often, create a weak willed soul.
It’s the nature of mankind to grow stronger making your way through to the other side of pain. That reminds me of a plant I’ve grown.


I remember the “guvment cheese” the canned ham dried peas and beans I grew up pooooor things were very different then I won’t go off on a whole tangent I tell my children and they seriously think I’m making up stories I’m gladbthey won’t ever know what it feels like to be hungry for real it’s why I’ve made them volunteer at the local foodbank there whole lives


To this day, peas and beans are picked from the garden, about 1/4 are left to dry in the shell, some for planting next season, most for “storing dry”. My wife’s little Grand Nieces/Nephews from “the city” thought Chocolate Milk came from Brown or Black Cows!!! I took them out to a friend’s farm and made them milk a cow. Welcome to the real world. They’re in their 30’s now and STILL take about that experience. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Yeah that cheese was dam good people have no idea. It came in a long box much like Velveeta. Made the best Mac n cheese and slice off some for a cheeseburger? When we could afford beef.
The peanut butter in a can like baked beans. Ground up turkey meat in a can.
Me and a feller were talking about being poor growing up. I said when I was a kid we had to all 6 kids, sleep in the same beds! He said, “ya’ll had BEDS???”


I’ve got a problem here folks…I received a 5pk of Cookie Killer auto fem from Canada and can’t find who to thank in my DMs…
Anyone have an idea who they might be from?

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Hey @Oldjoints , thanks so much for the Red Cherry Berry X Conspiracy Kush, it showed today. Got a pack of Bermese IBL x Wedding cake from @blkmetal so thank you to him. Really kind of you. Also received this today so woo hoo.


I’m thinking those are from me my friend.

Should be more than just cookie killers though…

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Did you use my addy as the return addy also? lol

Think so. What did the card look like?

Or was it brown envelope?

flower on the front

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White envelope