Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

Lol, I guess. Now get them outta my house :laughing:


Whoever said this house was mine?

If I get divorced, wife gets half.

Bank owns 65-70%ā€¦that leaves meā€¦?


On second thought :running_man:


About 12-15% just enough to pay off the lawyer

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Arenā€™t you just the brightest ray of sunshine reminding me of the lawyersā€¦

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All done trimming, time to chill

Cool giveaway yeti


You must trim with glovesā€¦ or your right hand.

Thanks bud.

Your post just made me think of an idea for the next one.

Best rolled joint?


thatā€™s my guess

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Iā€™ve got no likes but Iā€™m still out here getting baked and inspiring folks, what a guy amirite?


Nope, but I like that tooā€¦lol

Nope to the best joint idea.

Eagles IS a great guy!

I did use gloves this time but how you know whatā€™s going on with my right handā€¦maybe Iā€™m high but I donā€™t follow, hit me with the punch line again, real slow like

Haha, it says or, not on, that makes more sense. Disregard the above

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Out of likes again. Anyone know how the likes work? Do you just get so many every 10 minutes or what? I can be able to like a post after such and such time and then 2 or 3 likes later Iā€™m out for 8 minutes lol

Iā€™m too slow to figure it all out

In my humble opinion, SHE made the right decision! Well done @morecatslesspeople congratulations!
:slight_smile: :v:

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Hockey yeti didnā€™t win, damn you had my vote.

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Iā€™m keeping my mouth shut, she choseā€¦lol

Smart manā€¦all Iā€™m saying is hockey yeti would slash that little cutie to bits.

The hockey yeti is the best drawing, but @wherethefriesatā€™s will make the best avatar.

Out of likes again. so

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