Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 19)

you may be right

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So far no one has posted the correct answer.


The word “few”. Add “er” and it becomes fewer.


the word is “noun”

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Few add er

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“e” and “r” then

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Do another one ! Hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

I get the feeling you guys wont like the answer…

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Owe could it be this

ok, it is a post office

or it is “contraction”

thee, tree, ether ?!

Here is a hint… Its origins are cosmic

could it be a ray

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It’s a star :star::thinking:

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Comet go zoom


It’s the man in the moon :new_moon_with_face::joy::joy::joy:

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You are the closest so far @OhNo555

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so it is flight

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Is it the glow of the moon

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