[quote=“OhNo555, post:2923, topic:122852”]
Tree rings and tectonic plate
[quote=“OhNo555, post:2923, topic:122852”]
Tree rings and tectonic plate
ancient tree-rings
and Tectonic Plate
Tree rings solar storm. Edit reconstruction of a solar storm wth was I thinking.
You know what to do send the deets well played by all!
@Abbbian knew it before me…he knows everything. Those beans should be his!
When you guys decide who getting them beans 🫘 you know what to do.
Nobody answered my question
@Abbbian ???
Put your questions up there again bro
@CanuckistanPete No need brother! You killed, I was right after you, no less, but still coming up second!@!! Well done!!!
It was for fun
For fun** …
Lol my stoned ass thought the same phrase had to be used for both.
Are we still guessing the rock formation questions?
That is funny as shit you are killing me now!
I think @JustANobody deserves them just for being the most fucked up.
@BeTheLight At moment, mostly discussing about OG’s highnesses!!
I lm out of like so this is me liking every post.
Tree rings
Ancient Civilization
Send @OhNo555 your deets
Thanks for the fun!