Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 19)

312 grams maybe?

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I’d say 11 oz oz per tray. Lol

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583g my guess @BeTheLight Ty for the tag

3 minutes left, and Someone is close.


18oz? I’m not sure

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now that i think about it , its probably 14 oz per tray or something crazy like that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nice try!!!

Wow!!! I wish!!!

Maybe if she was 3 times that size!!!

Are we allowed a 2nd guess?

Yes sir!!!

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Seemed feasible trays look big In The pics lol 6oz

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8 oz dry :partying_face:

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Im.gonna guess 12 oz

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2nd guess would be 25

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28.5 Oz… Man… I want a one of thoes… Or try and make my own


17 oz? I’m done guessing


Closing this one, will allow the last few typing to get in their guess.
Ok folks, we had someone CLOSE.
Let me go back thru the guesses and I’ll figure out who had the closest guess.


333 grams maybe

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Looks can be deceiving, I had a Care Bears auto top bud at 54.5 wet dry to 11.3. Lol.