Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

You are totally OG :100:%, way to spread the love growmie! :clap::clap::clap::tophat::tophat::tophat::sunglasses::v:


What are you telling me… that I have to make three walks to the kitchen because when I got there I don`t remember what was the reason I went there. :rofl:


I were u busy trying to guess the grams …

Welcome to my life…

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Its when I go a dozen steps down to the grow after forgetting something more than once that really irks me, lol.

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I just burn one down and forget that I’m forgetting something.


I’m sure that you aren’t the only one!
And like someone I know once said-ish…
I’m sure that a completely useless memory has taken the place of something much more important. :rofl:

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Wise words from someone. :laughing:

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The mind is the first thing to go :flushed::roll_eyes: :joy::joy::v:

Out of all the things I miss, I miss my mind the most.


Idk about y’all, but I’m kinda looking forward to my senility, lol.
Gotta be sittin on the porch flipping off children and getting away with it! :joy:


And not only the memory, the concentration and the perception.
Yesterday I was one full hour searching for a shears. I was so desperate of not finding them that I take a flashlight and turn off all the lights, to search for it, because, in my brain, I thought this way I will concentrate only where the light points and see it better without distractions. :rofl:
Well, finally, I found it where I looked three times,… in the place where it should be. If it were a dog, it bites me.


You are killing me, that was to funny :joy::joy::joy:

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Can’t wait to wake up at 6 am and go driving… Really slow during rush hour… Just to piss everyone off :crazy_face:

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Yeah, finding things I’ve “put away” is a real bitch now

Like my eight-tier drying rack. Damn thing is collapsible. So now it’s lost…
Probably right in front of my face at least ten times. I mean, my house ain’t that big!


My wife and daughter make fun :star_struck: of me when I am looking :eyes: for my glasses :eyeglasses: and the are on top of my head :flushed::roll_eyes:


I dream about it often. I long for the day when my grumpiness is accepted due to my old age.

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If I ever loose my memory, my house is doomed. I’m the one that finds the unfindables.

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Oh god…
That’s the worst. I used to laugh so hard when my wife did that. I got her lasik a couple years ago. Now it’s me with my shades.

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Or in the fridge… Ffs I hate that :roll_eyes: going kookoo is fun… New friends every day