Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

Thanks for tagging me.

Dam I missed the fun :star_struck: :slightly_frowning_face:

You are in luck, I heard there is more on the way. LOL


Gonna draw this tonight.


@blowdout2269 Thanks for the opportunity!
I do have Scarlet Grapes but not the other one!!
Hope it is ok!
:v: :sunglasses: :hugs:

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@Billybob you might be interested in these.

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That scarlet grape is growing real nice. Getting caked up.


Who the hell sent me these?!
Thank you!
Really looking forward to the Romulan cross!


@Jimdoors looks like.
It’s on both packs.


I don’t believe he and I have spoken, that’s why I was confused. Too much good weed getting smoked.


Out of likes already. Damn.


Glad they made it, you won a wiki I did a little while back was thinking I would have to resend. Just remember the romulans need to be sanded heavy… or I been just cracking them with good results.


Many thanks.
Very interesting and instructive video… makes me want to make a temple ball!.. and I and not very fan of hash.

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Both of those are FANTASTIC! You can’t go wrong with a Romulan cross…that’s for sure…

And a Durban cross…that looks wicked too!

Enjoy my friend…you deserve it

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Thanks! I opened it and said “Holy shit.” I feel bad not knowing where they came from.


Nice genetics there @Jimdoors …got me drooling…and wrote down your username and those strains so I remember you and your beautiful genetics:)

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Ah! That’s right! Thanks so much man, I really appreciate it. I remember that conversation now!

And of course I’m out of likes.


@Going2fast , Bessie Cake arrived safe and sound! Thank you!! :star_struck:


Been blessed lately here been a minute but going to hit the vault later tonight and do a some giveaways so keep your eyes peeled today y’all 🫡 :v: :sunny::seedling:


A very strange thing occurred this past weekend in these parts. I was taking my normal “Walk in Nature”, found myself at the edge of Reality and Illusion. Being non-observant, I continued. I soon found myself on a mystical Beach, with a Ship grounded offshore. Being Semi-nautically inclined, I waited until Low Tide, then made my way out to the Vessel, walked around to get some idea of what I was dealing with. I discovered a Nameplate, “Good Ship AUTO Seed Company”. I didn’t recall any Outlet by that name, but they come and go, so there wasn’t any alarm.

I scampered aboard slowly (because I’m old), made my way through the innards of the ship. Nothing amiss, no indication of how it came to be here. When I made my way below Deck, I entered a Compartment, thought it was the Captain’s Cabin, until I saw a Sun-powered Microwave, and a few more Kitchen items, indicative of the “Cook’s Corner”. Being nosey, I put on my “Sherlock Hat”, looked High 'n Low…wala…came across a Bag of “AUTO SEEDS/R 'n F”!!!

Not wanting to have to report any “Found Booty” to the Authorities, I thought it best to retrace/erase my steps, forget I ever saw what I’m now choosing to forget I saw :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. It tore me up for two weeks, carrying this experience with me. I finally told “Queen :honeybee:” about this occurrence. Her reaction? She pointed one finger at her head, made circular motions, and walked away. “Wait just a minute, M’Lady, look, here is the Bag!!!” She said, “look, you really don’t have to make up “stories” about your seed-gathering”.

I felt so rejected, I just decided to have a “25 Member AUTO R 'n F Giveaway!!” It will be SATURDAY 18 NOV 2023 at 1100 EST. 25 Members will signup, I will randomly send AUTO REG/SIX/6 SEEDS or AUTO FEM/THREE/3 SEEDS. If you, by chance get what you already have, or your own creation, trade 'em away.

That’s all for now, I think. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: Somebody “leaked” this story to the Authorities, now I have the “Mental Health Emergency Response Team” in my Driveway. Have no fear, I’ll show them exactly where I took my “Nature Walk”!! :crazy_face: