Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Damn, just missed, nice win @Sailorboy!!

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Oh yeah, @duo - I also started 4 AC/DC x Chocolate Diesel seeds at the same time. :grinning:

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I think I messed it up somehow. My apologies

Fuck yeah dude. You kick ass.

Yes it is. Iā€™ve been home today and been on a bit and itā€™s been quiet. Smoked some of this white widow earlier and took a nap :joy::rofl:. Wide awake now :v:

Dang too late lol

I actually had to work at work today. Then I ran mics for the theater tonight. Iā€™ll be around for a little this evening.

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Thank you kindly @OnePassionateGrower :pray: ā€¦cool genetics :slightly_smiling_face:

I would normally be working also but took few days off to fish for some walleye and the river has been jacked up from storms. So I stayed home hopefully it settles back down. :v:

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Yeah this weather has been crazy. I went out with a buddy on good Friday and the trolling motor could barely pull against the wind. He caught 1 largemouth that was 1.2 lbs but that was after about half an hour stuck casting at the same stretch of water because of the wind.

Edit to say I hope it does turn and you get to get out. I love walleye fishing.


Dibs @duo !! Been busy and on a cold :cold_face: streak with the wikiā€™s lol but I would love to try some of your creations :facepunch:


They were claimed but send me a dm and Iā€™ll get something off to you. @BuckeyeBeanz


Youā€™re the man @duo !! Thank you :relaxed:


Nice reference lol

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Morning growmies! Early bird gets the worm. :bug: :bird:


WOW :open_mouth: thanks :blush: a lot @OnePassionateGrower for that awesome :sunglasses: triple wiki for us all to get a chance on. That I so cool :sunglasses:, you šŸ«µ can tell 420 day is just around the corner and The OG community is chomping at the bit to get this one off running! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: :boom: šŸ«Ø :facepunch::+1::clap::tophat::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck to all! :shamrock::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::tada::upside_down_face::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


I went through the edits because I couldnā€™t tell if it was actually a triple wiki or if someone messed up and it seems to be the latter :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I saw that when I went in to edit my post. I forgot to add the flag when I signed up yesterday. This morning when i added it, the list showed up in triplicate. Not sure how I could have done that, but I apologize if I did. :sunflower:


Oh No, :roll_eyes: now I am on all three of those wikis with all others :face_with_monocle:, this is going to prove to be very interesting when itā€™s comes time to sort it out. :scream: :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :wink::ok_hand::v:

I hope we all donā€™t get disqualified for this one :point_up:. šŸ«¤

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It seems that all three of the lists match, up to and including #29.

Maybe we could reset @ #30? Just an idea :man_shrugging: