Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

True, Very True, the moon is closer thus pulling on the crust…


Dibs!!! Ah shit I’m a day late


@blowdout2269 @Going2fast

First grow from OG …Short pheno Scarlet grapes F2

She’s all skunk & overipe grape
Thank you kindly


:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

congrats bro <3

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Dibbity dibity do, dibs.


Morning folks!!
Time to say and send major thanks to @pharmerfil, beans have landed sound and safe friend and… yes! Indeed! Your gifts have been reaching plenty of places all over!! And we all appreciate it!! Thanks a lot!! :partying_face: :sunglasses: :exploding_head: :hugs: :seedling:

And last but not least… Major thanks to brother @Pigeonman Hello friend! Thanks a million!! Your flagless friend has surely received your gift as well!! You fly!! And by the way… keep on spilling and spreading beans everywhere!! Keep on firing!!! Appreciate it!!! :sunglasses: :flushed: :partying_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :hugs: :fallen_leaf: :seedling: :v: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:

Great Sunday to all!!


Congratz I’ve been dreaming bout that gold!



Damn bro, that’s awsome!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying these. I’m sure @Going2fast will be too.
Got any purple in there?
So cool to have Scarlet Grapes growing way over there!


No purple showing on this one but I’m hoping for some purps on another 3 footer I got going … I hope you continue the SG line as the genetics are solid :slightly_smiling_face:


He did it . Geezer Crossed the finish line in Tunisia, Hes ran the entire length of Africa. Most Southern Point to the most Northern point.

This ginger has solidified himself into history as the first person to ever DO IT. THE WHOLE LENGTH OF AFRICA.

Im kind of mindblown that I had to find out about him via a random streamer on the internet… Social media wasnt showing me a man making history , no news headlines etc. SO I figured maybe you all haven’t heard. <3 I am sorry for sharing this here, I know this is one of the most active threads , but just wanted to share this ground breaking moment in history with Everyone!!!

Heres the path he took :

TDLR : An Absolutely Insane Ginger ran 390 marathons across the length of Africa in 352 days and just completed this monumental feat Today !


I’m surprised he was able to do that without getting shot or kidnapped.


Thanks for the news flash. That is beyond crazy. I agree the media should mention this. The media should not be considered news anymore. No way i could run that far in twice the time.


That’s amazing. I hadn’t heard about this either. Any chance you’re a runner?


Wow!! Nope, no mention of it in any of my circles either, that’s incredible!!

I mean,

  1. Didn’t get kidnapped/shot
  2. Ran 390 miles, that’s just crazy
  3. A ginger lived in the African sun, as a ginger myself, holy crap! :grin:

Thanks for sharing!! Happy news isn’t making the rounds nearly enough these days :metal:(maybe a whole new thread?)


I think he was kidnapped once , from what I read in some comments !

I may not start that new thread but if someone else wants too im all for it. Positive news is NOT shared enough :slight_smile:

Ah I am not but I could see myself doing it in the future. I tried Cordecep mushroom capsules for a month one time and it enabled my lungs too just keep going… My legs gave out first during the run before my lungs did. Super dope mushrooms.


Haha 390 miles in itself would be insane for someone my good sir, but he ran 390 marathons worth of miles !!! The whole Continent :slight_smile: … non stop aside from I assume eating, restroom and sleep , maybe some breaks here and there but he managed to do it in 352 days. )

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I run… though not super seriously or anything. 2024 will hopefully be my third year of running at least a little every day. Some part of me thinks I could stand to cut back and run 5 days a week, but my legs don’t seem to agree. I suspect I’d get back to doing longer runs if I cut back on frequency.

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Another wiki giveaway for Mango Hashplant pollen from my open pollination run.