Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 23)

Crap, outta likes, thanks for the tag again!!

@420noob thanks for being so bloody generous! :grin::metal:

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Thank you for the chance @420noob

I certainly will brother
I just wanted to let u know Iā€™m still patiently waiting
Itā€™s crazy seems every piece of mail I receive lately is twice the time it used to take,

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Thanks for chance :grin::smiley:

If I cross a THC photo period male with a CBD autoflower female what would that make , a semi auto maybe ?

The cross is already made im just curious what the offspring are going to do :stuck_out_tongue: although its only 10 beans because the mom was a solo cup auto ;p


How does this work?

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Outta likes, but Iā€™m following along :grin:

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Sounds interesting, Iā€™m pulling up a chair definitely different

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From chatgptā€¦

Breeding a THC photo period male with a CBD autoflower female could result in various outcomes depending on the genetics involved. You might get offspring with a combination of traits from both parents, such as varying levels of THC and CBD, growth patterns, and flowering times. Itā€™s hard to predict the exact outcome without knowing the specific genetic makeup of the parent plants.


Thx guys im interested my self ;p Once my tent finishes up Im going to dig through these and hopefully make f2s ;p

The male was a Kullu Valley Landrace, a himalayan sativa and the female was Alpean Gleux, a cbd autoflower by High Alpine Genetics .

Fair enough chat gpt, fair enough ! Sounds like ive created a pandoras box of unknowns ;p


I plugged in your middle paragraphā€¦

With the Kullu Valley Landrace male being a Himalayan sativa known for its THC-rich properties and the Alpean Gleux female being a CBD autoflower strain, the offspring could potentially inherit traits from both parents. You might expect a variety of phenotypes in the offspring, including plants with varying levels of THC and CBD, as well as different growth patterns and flowering times. It would be an interesting breeding experiment, but the exact outcome would still be unpredictable without conducting the actual crossbreeding and observing the resulting plants.

It definitely sounds like an interesting strainā€¦ If toy could narrow out a strong hybrid with a consistent growth, thatā€™d be wicked! :metal:


That is pretty much the plan !

The male I used was pretty fast growing and vigorous for being a sativa strain, So im willing to bet a strong hybrid with consistent growth will come easier than It should :stuck_out_tongue: Just gotta hope for a decent mix of male and female :stuck_out_tongue:

I loved its overly offensive dank orange smell it had. Piney offensive orange. Was a nice male ;p


Youā€™d have a photo


Right on :metal: sounds like a fun experiment! :grin:

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Oh sheesh, I must have missed a tag :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Thanks for the reminder, messaging you now @420noob :partying_face::raised_hands:


Your question should have been ā€¦If I cross a landrace with a cbd autoflower what would tbat makeā€¦?
A certain percentage could turn out to be autoā€¦I guess.
Now if you make f2ā€™s from those 10 seeds and pheno hunt for what desirable traits you like ā€¦or thatā€™s how itā€™s done I believe :slightly_smiling_face::v:

Early bird gets the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese!



Iā€™m always curious what chatgpt will come back withā€¦

If I cross a landrace with a cbd autoflower what would tbat makeā€¦?

Crossing a landrace strain with a CBD autoflower could result in various outcomes depending on the specific genetics of each parent. You might get plants with a mix of characteristics from both parents, such as the growth pattern and resilience of the landrace combined with the CBD content of the autoflower. Itā€™s an interesting breeding experiment!


It just repeated back to you what you said.

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@420noob thanks a lot! Awesome one! @RainToday thanks a lot as well!
Since Iā€™ve just got some zamadelica, passing this oneā€¦ unless @420noob would be so kind to allow me, in case I get lucky, to get the Golden Putang and regift the Zamadelica to another OGer. Thanks

Great weekend to all!!
:hugs: :sunglasses: :partying_face: :exploding_head: :v: :v: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :ear_of_rice: :seedling: :v: