Hashstash Jellybean Contest

420 jelly beans

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Jellybean Contest Closes Tomorrow, 5/10/22

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Going for 49

underrated comment…

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So midnight tonight? Midnight eastern time? Peace :slight_smile:

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That would be correct :green_heart: :crossed_fingers:


:woozy_face: :scream: Time’s a ticking :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Edit fixed my x

:blush: :crossed_fingers: :bomb: :boom: :dizzy: Winner winner Chicken Dinner Congrats @SensiBowl :green_heart: :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy: :ok_hand: :beers: :1st_place_medal: :trophy:

Plus 3 Xtra Pucks :wink: @SensiBowl Please pm me your addy please


What about the other winners? By my calculations per your rules
I guessed correctly at 6:01 pm eastern time
2 Boston bruins 4 packs of seeds
3 #4 = 4 packs of seeds
bonaza for guessing both on one ball = 10 packs of seeds

2 boston red soxs = 4 packs of seeds

22 packs of seeds for the next US respected badge earner


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This was your mouth that spit this out, I don’t run from giving anyone there prizes and don’t have to donate to my contest $25 gifts I paid @Bobgrows to make me fucking 6 to give away wtf I am tired of being Insulted when you told me and everyone else to donate the gifts, it has nothing to do with mr . joe, I paid for the gifts.

Oh wow nice! That’s really awesome, thanks a bunch for your generosity @HashstasH :partying_face: :partying_face:
I’ll msg you shortly! :v:

Atta boy @SensiBowl woot woot! Thank you for doing these @HashstasH


Cheers, I should probably stop entering contests for a bit. These beans are really starting to pile up! lmao


@SensiBowl I had @Bobgrows make me 6 and yours will have a pot leaf on the pucks

Ooooh fancy, all my pucks are plain on the bottom lmao

what does this mean??? I am not sure what you are talking about??? I can give my seeds that I win to anyone I want CORRECT???