Holy's Garden (Part 1)

LOL woah! Let me know how it goes when the time comes.

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It’s at 10 weeks, so another month to six weeks oughta do it.
I’ll tag you in the smoke report @Everytimefoo

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Much appreciated! I been growing since like 2006 and this is a big first for me lmao!


Sorry for the hijack @HolyAngel

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We’ll get back on topic! Will be waiting for an update from holy! No more posts afte this one!


Haha, my work here is done! :grin:


I mean, I personally would not grow seeds from herm pollen, but an AK47 auto/SSDD/A5 whatever whatever cross sounds kind of crazy…

I’m kidding. Don’t plant those seeds haha.


You might get a whole 3 or 4 grams from that beast. :thinking: :rofl:


The good news is that it’s coated in stem resin, so that takes my yield up to a quarter for sure! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The closest I ever wanna get to a pearl pheno is the foxtail girl from my lemon cheese haze :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just have to find her again :cry: good luck @minitiger


Is that your way of asking me to take cuts of the five I have growing now? Haha.

Maybe I will, though, I dunno. I should get some practice in, anyway.


Lol no I know you’re not big on that so it was just good luck on getting to find and experience her for yourself.


Haha, I dunno, I may take some cuts. I like the way those Zaps are looking already; if I take some clones from them, I might as well take some from the FLC cross, too.



That hurt my head to read . lol

in 40 years when you’ve attained my age and smoked 40 more years of bud and it no longer really affects you too heavily you know like an alcoholic who can drink beer all day long and never stumble and no one can tell, then you’ll understand my ranking with the smell look feel and taste being all very important. as long as it taste good I can smoke enough of it to certainly get high lol and since I like smoking that’s a good thing

you remind me of my first year of college science teacher he was in the astronaut program and was quite the specimen he told the story of the very first day of class of how he was on a hot date with a girl and they were up on a cliff overlooking the ocean she picked up a rock and handed it to him and wanted to see if he could throw it far enough to hit the water so what did he do sat down for 45 minutes figuring out the equation looked at her and said no I can’t throw it that far


Fucking yes! That’s hilarious… and it hits pretty damn close to home for me as well! :sweat_smile::rofl:

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don’t mean I don’t love you which I do


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So Holly when was the last time you were driving down the highway puffing on a joint and all of a sudden your head started spinning and you thought you were gonna crash

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I’m guessing that your teacher did not end up banging that chick.


F to the no he didn’t


lol it’s already like that for me, can smoke your moon rocks and go to work but I generally don’t have time to be taking a break every 30 minutes to reup the effects. It needs to get the job done. When not a lot of things get the job done, taste matters less. When I’m at home with nothing to do, or in 40 years when i’m retired, sure i’ll sit there and smoke the weaker tastier stuff non-stop until its time to go to sleep.