Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Bro, if you can rival a dog fart… you ain’t eating right.


I make the dogs run!


Just eat the dog food. It’ll come.

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I almost posted that I already do that… My wife reads some of my posts though. I’m not that ready to meet the maker just yet.


You’ll be eating dog food and farting in the dog house.

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Yep, lol she might just actually force-feed ya some, just so you know the diff!

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Now its farts!!!
Is nothing sacred around here?
Bunch of sickos!

But I like it.


lol I think we’ve probably hit on subjects from the entire alphabet A to Z, up in here at one time or the other. You, of all people should know nothing is scared!

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Really we are just a bunch of 9 year old pot growers that still find farts hilarious! lol

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Well… they ARE! Especially if ya can make someone curl their lips!

I just don’t go for those stealth farters! How sneaky is an SBD anyway! That’s just not fair. Who ya gonna blame! Fights start that way! It’s just inconsiderate if you ask me.

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But but but… it’s more fun to make folks guess. Unless you’re like me, lol from a family of farters. my pop n grampa used to have competitions to see who could cut the worst ones on a job site or in the fields. Mom and grandma had a standing rule though, no farts at the table!


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Man we are a bunch of uncouth barbarians! We should at least say “Pardon me, I must leave the room. I have the vapors.”
That would be the gentlemanly thing to do.


There’s a guy on YouTube that farts in front of people not real farts. But he will do the fart and then comment on it, like, “That’s gonna leave a stain!” Or something funny like that.
Farts a frickin hilarious.

Except at the dinner table. We do have SOME morals.


Yeah there are limits, lol


Damn lol you can tell that was a relief!

How do YOU smell relief???

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Hey Johnny! This city fella went up into the country Duck hunting. He shot a duck and it fell in an old farmers barnyard. As he was picking it up, the farmer came out and said What are you doing on my land. The city guy says , I’m getting my duck. The farmer says that’s my duck, it’s on my land. Bu but I shot it the city guy says. Farmer says well the way we settle these matters round here is I kick you in the groin as hard as I can, and then you kick me. Last man standing gets the duck. As the city guy is trying to think of something to say, the farmer hauls off and kicks him in the groin as hard as he could. Damn near killed him, but he stayed up leaning against the barn. So then city says ok now my turn to kick you. Farmer says , thats not necessary, You can have the duck.