Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Soon as those calyxes swell, cut it.

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I think it’s squirrel tail? Looks like it anyway.


@GREANDAL Yeah, it is. Looks really similar to Bhadra from Shiv. Thats got me thinking :thinking:


Juat git these off strainly, sounded interesting. Never grown anything like these so I’ll update soon.


Been starting to gather up some of those freebie packs of Uzbekistani IBL from Caleb for an eventual OP, any other good Uzbek lines floating around in here that I should be looking out for? I’m very interested in exploring these and other Central Asian lines like Balochistan genetics, along with anything from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, or Kazakhstan if anyone has any leads or seeds


My brother-in-law was in military intelligence in the 1980s and gave me some seeds that he said he found growing in a field in Tajikistan. He never said why he was in Tajikistan. I grew those for years until I got down to 4 seeds and realized that I would run out soon. I planted the last seeds and the damn deer ate my only male. After I freaked out for a while, I decided to make some feminized seeds. I grew those for about 15 years. They are almost gone now. Some will pop but die soon after. I think the genetics are breaking down. But its a good story. :grin:


How’d the Sheberghan x Balhki turn out? Thc dominant?


There’s about to be. A freakers run of Uzbekistan was just completed. I’ll part with a few seeds when I get them if you’ll return the favor. I couldn’t tell you if these are different or the same as what you have. They were very overpriced with twenty percent germination. Came from a california breeder via Meduser


Try soaking the seeds in aloe. Cut a fresh aloe leaf and put the seed right in there. After 24hrs plant them.
How was the smoke? I’m guessing it was good?


Bro was probably doing spooky shit trying to spark that civil war they had:

“The year 1989 offers an interesting snapshot of the different tendencies that played out among the former participants. A pivotal year in many ways, it featured both the end of the Afghan intervention and the passing of the Law on Language, which proclaimed Tajik (a variant of Persian) as the only state language in the republic (Landau & Kellner-Heinkele, 2007, pp. 76-77; Grenoble, 2004, pp. 153-154). Russian was demoted to a language of administration and political contention increased in intensity, fanned by economic decline, political stasis and the turbulence that swept other parts of the USSR, including the Baltics and the Caucasus.

  • 4 Both the republican and the central presses reported on the afgancy who mobilised on the side of th (…)

“During 1989, some ex-participants of the intervention supported moves towards linguistic reform, while others mobilised to defend their reputations and privileges at a time when they were increasingly falling out of official favour. Developments in 1989, furthermore, set the scene for the disturbances that swept the Tajik capital Dushanbe in February 1990, an event that dealt a profound shock to the republic’s political establishment. Issues of national revival, religion and Soviet identity came to the fore in this crisis that caused deep ruptures in Tajik society and began a period of contention that paved the way for the outbreak of a civil war in Tajikistan in 1992.“


Very cool! And yes, absolutely I’d swap


Probably had to install a pro heroine smuggling regime


If interested I can send some seeds from a grow last year. It was mostly for headstash but made a few seeds from each plant to share.


@Upstate . The smoke was good. The plant is almost exactly like a Lebanese but only about 2 feet tall.


@Dirt_Wizard . Sounds right.


Very cool of you! DM incoming


Yes, actually just revisited it last night. Pretty stellar and yes thc dominant I guess as gives a really good high, seemed to help me get right to sleep. Very creamy mellow but wonderful floral smell. Did I ever offer you a pack of the sheberghan x balk x Shiskaberry? Don’t remember.


Was just reading about the Civil War and the lead up to it, causes, etc. Without turning this into a regional history thread with some speculations about US anti-communist intervention in the Afghan War, etc; here is a map I found with some regional tribal affiliations and their movements in the modern era which might help inform genetic research if folks are trying to untangle ethnicity, region, and lineage for Tajikistan:

The government was Russophile and Communist Party apparatchiks mostly, while the opposition was a big tent of everything from liberal, pro-democratic Islamists to the seeds of what would become the Taliban, but united under Tajik language and identity in the post-Stalin era (their opponents were total Stalinists, largely made up of the powerful Soviet bureaucratic class who rose in society in that era).


Hi All…
very long time lurker here , just been through this whole thread it
It took a while …

this thread should be about provenance first and foremost then preservation… no use preserving with no proof … or making up narratives
to fit the ego or sales pitch

Like this story , i read about some old family friend (always)
finding his old seeds DP from the 80’s
In some storage ,not even refrigerated …

That’s 40yrs later …
13 pop out of 200
this is in a super hot , and very humid all year round kinda place
like wow that’s some seed cracking wizardry …

Or the one about the only way to ge to a place or herb from a place not sure
which it was but you need to directly bribe the king , what ? Not true