HorseBadorites' Server Fundraiser May 2024 [Closed]

High, Horse Badorites here. Just a geezer who’s been growing since 1970, and trying to pass on some support to Over Grow The World.

Items auctioned

Lot # Strain Seeds Highest Bidder Amount
1 Breeder pack freebie: Bad Dawg’s Purple Northern Lights Haze x Run Away Bride #8 10 @Sailorboy $25
2 Violetta F2 9 @Smoke_A_Lot_420 $25
3 OG’er Kush * 10 @_GreenToAs_T $25
4 Purple Urkle BX1 F2 2022 G-pas 10 @_GreenToAs_T $35
5 Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s 12 @Smoke_A_Lot_420 $20
6 Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s 12 @Sailorboy $30
7 Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s 12 @Kcity87 $20
8 Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s 12 @belleswell $20
9 Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s 12 @Ivy $30
10 Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s 12 @Herbie $40

Key to the strain lineage

Violetta F2

All "Violeta" Cannabis/Marijuana Strains :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info

Gooeybreeder’s Dark Desire x LED F2’s

Info about the unknown or legendary cannabis strain "Dark Desire" :: SeedFinder :: Strain Info

The male was raised under an LED

Auction Rules

  • Each lot will go to the highest bidder.

  • In order to bid you need to reply to this topic. You should bid on each listed lot separately. Include the lot number and your bid with the USD price.

  • When you place a bid, any previous bids you made on this lot will be canceled. You can bid on multiple lots in one post.

  • :mega: Don’t forget to tag the person you outbid using @ to notify them.

  • Bidding will start at 10 USD, with a minimum bid increment of 5 USD.

  • The auction will end on 2024-05-17T20:59:59Z. The last bid must be placed in the final second of the hour or earlier. (Note: This timestamp will display in your local timezone if you have set the correct timezone in your profile. Hover over the timestamp to view the time in other zones.)

  • :money_with_wings: Donation options include PayPal, Bitcoin, Ether, or other cryptocurrencies (details will be provided by @LemonadeJoe to the highest bidders).

  • :package: Shipping is included in the bid.

  • Items will be shipped from the US. Seeds will be sent after your donation is received.


It’s time for the second event in our Spring Server fundraiser auction series.Thanks to @HorseBadorites for donating these varieties!

Your support is welcomed!


Thanks for the opportunity to support the server fund … and thanks to HorseBadorites for providing the genetics
I’d like to start it off with a bud of 15 dollars each for lot 4 and 5
Thanks !


Thanks very much for supporting OG @HorseBadorites , some nice looking stuff you offered up.


Lot 10 - $40 @member :smile:.


LOT #4 - $30 SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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lot 3 - $15

@HorseBadorites - you put an asterix next to the strain name. was there purpose in that? was there a (missing) footnote?

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Just a random asterisk, I guess :slight_smile: It was from one of the OG boxes, and unfortunately for me, I just don’t have time to run 'em :frowning:

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Some more info I found on “dark desire” strain:

Sounds very interesting!


Thanks for that @TeddyNuggets :slight_smile:

She won the Breedbay BOTM in 2017

She really was purple, lol!
Gooeybreeder's DDxLED 2017


Lot #2 — $20

Oh man, I already have two packs from Loudog. Some of yours could really help with deversity

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Lot #6 - $15
Love me some diverse purple genetics :slight_smile:

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Lot #7 $20

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I’ll go $30 on lot 9.

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Where do the OGer Kush originally come from?

Lot #4 35 @misterbee


Lot #8 $15 @member
Lot #3 $20 @Til_Valhalla

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Lot 3 25 dollar @MikeyMeteor


Bidding table up to date!