Looking for salvia divinorum-cuttings

That’s honestly not bad comparing to here…

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I tried to make seeds with mine but I don’t think I was successful. She needs a good 40 days at ~12/12 or preferably like 8/16 before she even shows any type of flowering at all. Then another 20 before she really gets going on those flowers. I think she’s not one that easily selfs.

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it is indeed an okay price, that’s true …
but the dude was rather pushy. he wanted me to order asap and even
told me that he would send me something that is reserved for someone
else, that did not pay yet (fast enough). i don’t like that too much, tbh.

what if he pays and i snagged it away.
i was too often on the other end of something like this, lol …


bro, if you get yours to make beans = you’d be my hero !! :slight_smile:
it’s very hard to make viable SD-beans and even harder to cultivate them.
i’d definetly would love to try …


It’s legal in Austria? Good to know.

I remember small cuts of the stem being sold online years ago. I don’t know if it actually worked to root them, but that might even survive in a letter from the US to Europe? Sometimes I had letters arrive within a week.


Issue is the stem is boxy and usually fairly thick. She is easy to root but… idk about making it through inside a letter. Maybe a dvd case or something but then declaration :thinking:


Yeah I remember those strange stems, I had a plant long ago. Does a DVD case already need a declaration? Shit.


in a perfect world declared as a “private gift (pc game)” it should work, no?


According to pirateship, it would still run me ~$43 USD to ship a small flat rate box to somewhere in your vicinity from the usa :confused:


ohno, that would be way too pricy, lol …
maybe i have luck with an austrian shop that
@allotment just brought to my attention.

*fingers crossed *

in case this works, then i would like become a reliable source
for anyone here from EU in need of salvia divinorum snips :wink:
(yeah, … and f*ck money, of course!)


Worked in a garden center years back and in the greenhouse huge SD plants were growing.They also had Peyote cacti.Pity it went bankrupt by bad management.


aaaah, thanks to the help of a fellow OGer i found
a web-shop in austria that hooked me up *woohoo *

i got two types here now:

i leave them under mini-hoods so they can acclimatize.
the moment they grow again, they won’t need it no more.

as soon as i have those a bit bigger and growing strong
for me i can share cuttings to anyone interested here :wink:

thank you for your input and help, everyone …
i am pretty happy to be able to journey again into SD-territory.


I’m a little late to the party but I ordered pretty frequently at avalon magic plants and never had issues. I don’t know if it’s still the case with them.

But you already have been successful so there’s that :smile:


I am looking for these in BC Canada if anyone has any… :v:


Right on! Stoked for you for sure…

Good things happen to good people!!!

I look forward to your journey…and thanks for sharing

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I remember those square stems…


Same statement but in Ontario :canada:



Okay so regarding the metaphysical nature of this plant I’m curious if you can try something out for me @santero .

When I had a mini grove of Salvia D. i had a few plants growing in and among them. These plants were taller that the salvia and were there as a living shade from direct sun. The thing that blew my mind was that for a few plants the stems and stalks were all unaturally square if the existed below the canopy of the salvia!

There was a eucalyptus that blew up with growth so I had to move it to another part of the yard. The main trunk was square from the salvia’s canopy to the roots… but in weeks after moving it the square part started to balloon back out into a standard round formation but with 4x lines down the sides where they had initially been the corners of the square stem.

Please see if this was just a fluke or if that’s how powerful this plant is!


wow, that’s indeed interesting.
i will definetly investigate that :slight_smile:

i am going to keep them together with my moms.
let’s see if that influences them too in this way …


I wonder if the roots need to be connected to have this outcome. Very interesting indeed :thinking:


@mndlss & @santero everything was in seperate pots. It was a concrete backyard so I didn’t have access to the soil lol.