🕊 - Outdoor Growing Adventures With Your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman - 2021/2022

Got it, I’ll have first sketch ready Sunday night. Excellent description, I was able to envision it right away.



The patten is NOW predicted to be going to be steady rain for the next 2 days :sob: .

I’m worried about my plants as I’ve already had to pluck out a few bud rot spots due to the excessive morning dew. The nights have been 8-12c and the days 19-25c so the dew was grand.

All I can do i check on them, shake off the excess water when I do, and then if I am panicked do an emergency crop if things start to look fuckered.




I spent about 20minutes using the leaf blower getting these beauties as dry as possible. So much water came off them as I was going it was unreal; highly recommended if you have outdoor plants that are saturated.

It’s still humid as fuck; but there’s now no standing water in and on the bud sites.

Kosher Kush:

Gelato 33:

UK Cheese:

White Widow x California Orange:

This thing is gonna be a worthy reason to be trapped in trim-jail!!!

Pink Cookies:

White Widow x California Orange (pollinated with PPP):

:crossed_fingers: And now to continue hoping that all will be well with the humidity & rain! :crossed_fingers:


Looking great!

I’m sorry to say I think the weather is going to be shitty all week.

I may have mentioned this before but the WW is the biggest yielder I’ve ever seen, ever, by far.


It’s looking like it might be the last to be ready; maybe near end of oct.

The KK & G will be ready by mid oct, not sure yet about the UK cheese & pink cookies yet. The WwxCoXppp is gonna grow until it dies for max seed production.


Is it fully seeded? I think you’re going to get a ton of seeds even off such a small plant.


I pollenated the ENTIRE basket :laughing: :laughing:

While I do see a diff in the way the buds are forming in all my “pollenated” plants it’s my first time doing this so I’m hoping the swollen calyx’s are actually seeds! :smiley:


I’ll often pull one out just to check. Gives a good idea of progression.


Big hope’s the rain stays away from the white widow and all your other incredible flowering plants, using a blower to remove water was a great idea.

Maybe this will help raise your spirits…


This is great! Thanks @Heliosphear !


It’s off to a good start, lots of line correction to do and give it depth, adding the root hair next. Then I’ll do the robes, add the staff and put it all together.
Have a good night, I know your worried about mold… stay vigilant, you got this.



Awesome! :metal:t4:


Can tell you he 100% looks like that!


Add the 4ft, 25 year old dreads and 100% correct. :laughing:


I built a bunk bed for my smaller citrus trees; lights for each shelf are 2x 30w 3000K shop lights & 2x 8w 6500K flooding spotlights.

They all got soaked down with insecticidal soap before coming inside, and then again a few days later with scissor oil mixed at 15ml per 1L of water.

They are very happy but still are dropping their leaves because they’re assholes and don’t like sudden changes. (still fruiting and flowering; the entire upstairs floor smells like Orange blossoms!)

Plumerias are in as well and got the same spray down treatment.

Heres to hoping that the combination of: moving air from fans, spray downs, and collecting jumping spiders from around the house and putting them IN these trees will keep and and all insects at bay.

Tomorrow they are getting a dose of Aquabac soaked for about a day in water… so all these Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) are gonna fuck up anything in the soil :fu: :bug:

Edit: The shelf cost me next to nothing as I reused screws and plywood from a shipping container from work, had all the other hardware in storage from dumpster diving and just needed to pick-up a few extra pieces of lumber. The thing is 1" from the ceiling of this former bedroom :laughing: .


That sounds like it smells fantastic, we have two orange trees… I know it’s awesome. Excellent to see you taking care of all plants, have a great weekend with no rain and lots of sunshine. :sunglasses:


…AND the Pink Cookies is down!

The humidity has been 80-100% the past week so I need to cull early or loose a lot to PM and bud rot. When it was pouring a few weeks back I wasn’t worried because it always dried up with mid-low humidity due to the sun. There has been no sun, only clouds and even when there was minimal clouds it wasn’t punchy enough to scrub the air of any water.

So it’s now either down they come to be used by me; or leave them up as a potential sacrifice to the Gods.

Pink Cookies; the most DIFFICULT PLANT IN THE YARD!!! to be fair there’s a decent amount of warning out there stressing to grow this indoors only so it’s me fault for tossing the “fuck-it” dice.

Left = Will be left untrimmed; it’s all popcorn to be washed, dried, & frozen for bubblebags.
Right = The nugs that were very much worth my time and effort.

I always get sad about the size loss after a good trim; but it’s not like I want that leaf in my lungs anyway.

Speaking of not wanting shit in my lungs: WASHING IS IMPORTANT!

I always do 4 stages with my outdoor grows;
H202->Lemon/Baking Soda->Wash1->Wash2->Drain → Hang to dry.

I had to set this up with a green light as my ladies are sleeping. They are in tents but they are not Mammoth brand so I’m not assuming there’s no pinholes from a strong enough light outside of them.

Clothing rack for the nugs & the hanging drying rack for the popcorn. I’ll turn this rack over each day to ensure even drying.

Gonna food, have a nap with something stupid on the TV, then go back out to cut some of the WWxCO branches off and do this all over again. (THE SECOND most difficult plant in the yard…; but WONDERFUL ALL THE SAME! :laughing: )


AND the same went for 1/2 of the WWxCO.

The thing SMELLS AMAZING. I ended up removing every other club in hopes that the increased airflow may help hold off the nastiness while the remaining clubs fatten up!

Did I even do anything??!! :laughing:

Trimmed, washed, drained and in the drying rack.

Tomorrow the Gelato 33 day’s are done! It’s the one I expected to pull down the first but looks like it’s lucky #3. It’s leaves are the farthest along with fall colours and it’s also the frostiest next to the Kosher Kush; which shall be cull #4 later in the week.

I need more drying space but already picked up more gamma seal lids and 5 gallon buckets :smiley:

Have a great night all!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:


And there goes the Gelato 33!

The frosting on this thing was something else. It’s buds formed like little sugar clouds floating upwards in a line and in hindsight I’m very grateful for the airflow it allowed. My gloves kept sticking to themselves and anything I was stupid enough to touch as I trudged onwards ever clipping… like my lighter, which is now in the garage as it sticks to my hand now :laughing:

I caught this beauty in time, there were only 1-2 minor spots of bud rot to cut out, and NO PM in sight.

All cleaned up and ready for a bath.

Bathed and with a green light all tidy in three shelves of the hanging drying rack.

Fuck i’m tired but really It’s by fault for growing the plants well enough to require all this work harvesting it. New rule: if I Don’t want to have to do all this at harvest just grow shittier plants. Yeah no. :laughing: