Potassium Hydroxide or Potassium Silicate?

I need to stop by the auto parts store and get a battery acid “sulfuric acid” pack refill for $10. Where did you find the 98% at?

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I got it from a friend who is an industrial chemist, but a lower grade would be adequate, 98% is pretty hazardous to handle anyway. Phosphoric acid is another option, it might be easier to obtain.

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If Ur well waters ph is low due to sulfur. I would recommend a calcium product to bind with the sulfur cause most of anything else won’t have much of a long term effect.

Once the plant eats the potassium then ur ph is gonna rise again if the sulfur content doesn’t drop.

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Like calmag or are you saying something else? I do need to add calmag to both jacks or maxi.

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Depends on the cal/mag, most brands have the calcium bound with nitrogen. Dlime & TPS are the only brands/types I know of right off man.

Were ur using coco u also may be able to use enough limestone gravel kinda like perlite & with ur ph it’ll keep it in check.