Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

@tamimes if you want to send me your information I can send you beans to help you out.

What are you into?


Send it to me as well as @tresbundles we will stack ya up, make ya feel human again. :joy:


Many many thank’s :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yes it is not easy in europe to get those nice elite clones so when i found somebody that sold those breeder cuts here i jumped on them i always selected my own mothers from seed andlast 7 months of 2022 i started collecting some elite clones keeping them in quarantine ect ect because thinking that spidermites would be the most damaging thing that i could receive/get well! This hplvd is like corona and aids together for the plants :face_vomiting:
So i spread it with my cutting tools an touching, and trough my recirculating fertilizer thank and reused mapito
The elite clones that i lost where oreoz ,apples & bananasx jelousy,banana cream cake all breeders cut,amnees, amnesia haze, superorange glue, and my best gorillabubble ril, violetfog and many many more
Years of collecting and selecting :sob: :sob:
Once more many many thank’s for your help :heartbeat:


Before hplvd and last 2 with hplvd


The same strain!?

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Man, what a heartbreaker. :tired_face:
Dudded out pretty good.
Do you know which one brought it in?

We just found out Trehalose has antiviral properties.


@Emeraldgreen no diff strain but everything popcorn,no smell,not sticky
@shag will have a read on it
there was noting against it only with tissue culture in a lab for 8 months process +/_ 4000 usd to clean
It is a viroid and goes in the dna of the plant


Probably more of a keep your plant from catching it kinda thing, but who know it may be a virus killer.
We just started talking about this combined with Chitosan…

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Can I say I just “stumbled into this thread” or did I technically just “wash up on shore”? :joy::joy: :wave:t2:


We have had a few show up like that, they have no idea how they got here, but they never leave. :rofl: :joy:

Welcome to the family brother man. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
What is your country of origin?
Do you have any special skills other than growing some fine herb?


Do you have any…rum? :oil_drum: :tropical_drink:

P.S. Welcome!


@shag i think more had this virus but the amnesia core cut that i bought from a clone store in austria showed the fullblown symptoms and i tought hmmm the plant dont like my system so i tried 4 sets after each other to improve and in that time i infected everything. It was an other dutch growe who explained me about this hplvd when i read info on it i knew at once that i had it


US location. Jack of many trades, master of very few :joy::joy:, if we’re talking island survival skills I’m an avid fisherman, although that’s no guarantee of success, haha. Real world, I’m a graphic designer by trade so some actual potential utility there I guess. :v:t2::grin:


No rum my brother, but after a couple bowls I’ve been known to be good for a sea shanty or two :joy:


I went fishing and drifted to an other island :scream:

Now help on its way from the main island :heartbeat: :heartbeat:


@shag a dutch greenhouse grower recomended to run a stabilized peroxide in my system to prevent it from spreading it is like oxidate in the usa

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It has started again…LOL
Here is a quick update to catch you up. :laughing:
This is how it starts with @tresbundles

Here is how it usually ends with @tresbundles

Lucy is in charge of island security.
Just let her roam the island, she can eat the riff-raff if any show up. :wink:
Island family meet our new head of security “Lucy”!

Have a look around, pick a cool spot, and give us a holler if you need anything.
And remember don’t give any rum to @tresbundles it is like water to a gremlin.
Yea, he looks very cute right now, wait until after midnight… :rofl:


The most dangerous is the last!!!
It comes with that sweet face, asking for food… And one macdowells after 12pm is wanting to kill you.

And it leaves many fur in the floor.


Mental notes, no rum to @tresbundles I can for sure help with the gardening, and then I’ll wet a line to see if we can’t have some fish tacos going soon enough. In the meantime I’ll be over here trying to manifest a grass hut and a corona with a lime :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::v:t2:


Ohhh I got some rum, but mine’s weird. The Captain makes it but uses seawater or something. You’ll find us in the bay trying to catch the lunkers, also!