SolStrip LED lighting: Product info and announcements

hello friends !! i m from greece !! i want to try this Led if you sent over here !! if i take : Non-dimmable Drivers x2+copy of SolStix X1 x4 at 2700k . how many real watts i have for my canopy ? and what cables i gonna need ? thx alot

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@Baudelaire Are you still in business? no updates here for a while and now is down.

Definitely in business and busy filling orders and working on some new offerings for the fall. You must of come by during a brief maintenance period, we upgraded our website this week.

Coming soon:

  • X3 SolSheet Xs - dual-band spectrum in a ultra-low profile, fully enclosed 230w lamp

  • X2 and X3 SolStix Rack kits - 240w, 320w, and 480w light racks in 36 and 48 inch lengths

  • SolStix Smart Racks - dual-band fully programmable dimming and on/off control from your PC or phone.

More on all of this in the next 30 days. Stay tuned.



was browsing the website and noticed the huge difference in page load speed. kudos


Worked fine for me last night, ordered some heatsinks at like 1am got the “Its shipped” notification today around 3pm cst @Baudelaire is on the ball.


Yeh i went back a hour later and there was a maintenance notice up by then :thumbsup: Glad things are going well, especially since i wrecked an X3 strip and will be needing a replacement at some time soon. I wont fill this thread up with my pics but if you want to see my first attempt at an actively cooled build using X3 Solstrips…

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Electrical newbie, any wiring videos? Do they wire similar to QBs?

Pretty much just like QB’s only done in parallel typically due to the high voltage of large strip counts when wired in series.

I go into some wiring detail Here hope this helps!


so these are basically raw electronics that you piece together using items you buy on

i’m imagining something along the lines of building a PC with more electrical involved

i have roughly a 5 x 8 ft area that i’ll be setting up solstrips in in a few months and am trying to wrap my head around the basics

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Only had mine up and running a couple of days and I can already see a huge difference in how the girls react to the light. I can’t at this moment say it’s been my best grow purchase but if the girls keep growing like they are using my solstrip rig it will beat my HPS lights by a long shot :+1:


building a space from scratch and am more interested in performance than price - did you build it or use DIY?

I definitely want to learn how to wire the things…

i guess if someone has time - what does it take to light 1 solstrip? how many strips can 1 driver light?


I had it custom built for me by a OG member. @anon58740919 is/was the UK supplier. He built me an 11 strip 500w rig. The detail and quality of the workmanship is way way better than I could ever achieve.


I’ll look into that - would be ordering from US/Alaska. thank you


@Baudelaire is the man to speak with in the USA. I’m not sure if @Jellypowered does any builds? I know he knows his stuff when it comes to wiring, and such. Whatever route you take all the help you will ever need is here on OG


Its not really hard, but if you are not already familiar with series and parallel wiring, and how volts, amps, watts work together, it can be daunting, and confusing to get started. Seriously, growing is a lot harder than doing electrical stuff. Electrical wiring always follows the same rules - every single time. Growing is more an art form with no fixed rules. I like fixed rules :slight_smile:

What I would suggest is you start a thread about your grow space. Tell us how large it is, how many plants, all the little details, etc. Then we can all pitch in and help you figure out the itty bitty details that are so critical to a successful installation, and @Baudelaire can give you the details on the parts you need from him to get where you want to be.

The shape of the room, and how you place the plants in the room, how much room you have above the lights, do you need extra heat in the room or does it tend to stay too warm are also important as far as where to place the drivers, etc etc.

I know that sounds complicated, but its really not that bad once you get into it.

Budget is usually a concern at some point too :slight_smile:


appreciate that- good plan


I don’t currently build for profit, I’ve got too much going on with real life stuff to dedicate the time and space to building full time.

Sometime at the beginning of the next year that may change, but examples of my work will be all over for everyone to see I do quality work :wink:

Thanks for the shoutout bro.



It’s no problem brother. I just thought who better to direct spillz907 towards than yourself. :+1:


any literature on that you or anyone else might recommend? i’ve got a handful of months before i’ll need this setup so anything i can do in the mean time to help


My build thread is full of handy things. :slight_smile: