What are you listening to? 2020


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Mr. Hands -->killed by horse fucking
Alexander blahhh --> one man one jar

Google those if you have a lack of anything human

Hoodsite will show you everythingā€¦shotgun to the head, cartel execution, child abuse followed by limbs cut offā€¦love those ones

Hurt a kid in Brazil, lose an armā€¦lolā€¦


Not to steer off topic, but did you see the bank robbery in Brazil a few days ago.?.
It was one of the most brazen things Iā€™ve ever seen. Well since Dillingerā€¦

Approx half dozen cars barreled into town, hit the bank then high-tailed it out.
On the way out, they threw approx $160,000 on to the street, as to cause confused, etcā€¦


Chaos to add to confusionā€¦well played
Being here in Canada, I feel invincible but Iā€™ve met a dude here that has connectionsā€¦cousins and shitā€¦lolā€¦theyā€™re all idiotsā€¦illegal firearmsā€¦illegal breeds of dogs ā€¦Iā€™ve only seen cocaine a handful of timesā€¦fuckin retards

Would you trust a guy whose part or the ā€œcrazy indianā€ gang?

@Baltimore ore


I donā€™t trust anybody. Itā€™s so great where I live here and brother Iā€™ll shoot you in the f****** back for five bucks and I mean for five bucks.

Honestly if I ever had a route on some money the way I am and the way I was brought up I take one guy in with me to complete the job. On the way out I double tap him in the head. Iā€™m not splitting nothing two ways.

Yeah I have to s*** dies down I might talk and you know take care of my people but hell no Iā€™m f****** splitting this bag one way or no way f*** on the deal for some dumb s***.

No they would have to be really f****** solid solid record you know what I mean Got to be handy with the steel if you know what I mean? Earn your keep. Regulators!!! Mount up!

The real games in my eyes where the better wins in the Sahara desert they would chop your ass up. And the great train robbers that was a period in time thatā€™ll never be around again that had to have been f****** awesome! Dudes had brass balls. Massive Huevos.:laughing:


Whatā€™s up Baltimore!?! Havenā€™t seen you around lately, maybe we just frequent differ parts at differ timesā€¦
Hereā€™s the story and they hit another bank, just found out. I was wrong, it was dozens, blowing shit up and all that.


Maybe they need some *Discipline! :wink:

12/8 the day the Music Died :frowning:

RIP John you are missed


Oh, manā€¦all you need is loveā€¦its easy if you try.


Aggravated assault over some bs with his brother who was squatting on family property. They sent him over there to kick his ass out and he got his ass kicked then pressed charges. They called it ag assault because Randy took his pistol out and set it aside before he whipped the ass.
In Vietnam at the very end of the war he was on a boat that was attempting to rescue Vietnamese people fleeing the country. People threw themselves into the ocean trying to reach the boats. Randy was first to dive into the water and saved a baby from drowning, then pulled others to the boat to be lifted aboard. He is a dedicated pothead who I was trying to get into growing too.
In a strange connection or coincidence that seems to happen in my life really often, my good friend Trevor Bui was rescued from Vietnam in a very similar way by the Navy boats who literally pulled hundreds of people from the ocean. Sadly, Trevor was the first Arizonan to die of COVID-19 this year.
There has to be some unknown force out there that brings so much strange drama into my life. Nothing ever lasts with me. Itā€™s like I wear everything out or break everything down. Every watch I ever owned stopped or just broke including somewhat expensive ones. Iā€™m not a careless person. I try to maintain my things in good condition, but always things fall apart. My teeth are fucked from grinding them in anxiety. My hands hurt from biting and cutting every night. I wear people out too. My OCD is vicious and if there isnā€™t something to let it out on it turns onto me. I canā€™t stand feeling nasal hairs, so I plucked them all out. Those hairs between your legs and balls? Gone. I clean my ears too much probably and sometimes they bleed. Music and weed are my safety blanket and thatā€™s why Iā€™m always high and listening to something. I know that I spam this thread sometimes, but I really need music and cannabis to keep me from going down that dark road that is always right in front of me.


Remember when she was cool?


Sunday Funk-day.


Funkstrodamus predicts you will hit the switches in your Six Four to this and hit a corner in 3 wheel motionā€¦