🎧 What Are You Listening To? (Part 5)

Just saw him for my first time a few months ago. He was great. I have a bunch of his albums, even some Buick MacKane but had never seen him.

Think him and Lou and Ian Hunter were all kinda close.


That’s awesome you got to see him!! I’ve seen him numerous times, since I was being dragged to shows as a baby and little kid. Haha. Then, he was one I continued to try and see as an adult/teenager. Back in the day St Pete/Tampa area had some cool shows. I love seeing people in smaller venues/listening rooms. Just drove to Oklahoma and back to see Jonathan Richman and Tommy at The Blue Door in March. Derry Down still has some cool shows I drive over for in Winter Haven. Just caught Steve Forbert recently for $20.

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I listen to newer stuff too. Haha

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But, I enjoy older stuff more. Haha



Love that picture! Would make an awesome tattoo ! @Heliosphear

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Brother-sister band, Lawrence

Megadeth - tornado of souls. I need to start preparing for exams, but I’m feeling too drained for it. Fortunately, I discovered https://domypaper.com/ , so now I only have to focus on preparing for two exams. However, I’m not in the mood to study anymore. I just want to go to concerts and travel. I have three more weeks of studying ahead of me, but I’m tempted to pack my bags and head to the festival!

So I’m sure I’m not the only one into music here but I feel like OverKill should be a no-brainer, especially with our heads in the green and gray clouds :metal:

One of my many favorites

Please post any stories or favorite songs/albums, etc. I myself like the album Taking Over the best followed by The Wings of War and Ironbound. These are definitely gunna get you high whether you smoke to em or not, but we all know you probably should!

Let ‘er rip!


I’m out of likes but I’ll say this. Never heard of them. But now that I have I will be listening.


I love overkill … one of the few thrash bands , that have kept it going and actually gotten better over time


They are as old as Metallica and Anthrax and all them and definitely the most true to the style as any of the original thrash metal bands.

I love em… I too am originally from NJ and they are definitely garden state stoners. Their third album is called Under the Influence and has gotten me so high the world turns yellow from internal sunshine lol.

They are certainly a bit esoteric as thrash, but for heavy metal it doesn’t get any better to me.



They have like what twenty studio albums?

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I would start in order with them, first album Feel the Fire. They started off strong and stayed there for 40 years.

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I started with their 3rd album but didn’t get very far last night. When I give up on today’s activities and start smoking I’ll start at the first and see where it takes me.

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Lol, I’m probably a bad influence myself but they make me laugh. Under the Influence isn’t known as one of their very very best albums for kind of obvious reasons, but with a spliff it all kind of seems to make sense, and the guitar comes off as intelligent and technical anyway.

They are one of the bands your parents might think you need some counseling over if they don’t get the stoner humor, but they are also one of the highest rated metal bands of all time, especially for thrash metal.

I hope you enjoy.

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How does he do it…
With great love and joy it seems.