10k's suggested beginner chemical nutrient formula

The good old General Hydroponics 123 formula:

The proper ratio of each Flora Series nutrient depends on the crop and the stage of growth. As a rule of thumb we use the “1-2-3” ratio:

  • For the vegetative stage of growth use 3 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 1 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water

  • For late vegetative to pre-bloom stage use 2 tsp. of each nutrient to 1 gallon water

  • For bloom initiation to ripening stage use 1 tsp. FloraGro to 2 tsp. FloraMicro to 3 tsp. FloraBloom to 1 gallon water.

This is easy to remember pattern:

Grow phase 3-2-1 (FloraGro vs FloraMicro vs FloraBloom)
Before flowering starts: 2-2-2
Flowering phase: 1-2-3

For seedlings nutrient has to be more dilluted:

  • For seeds, cuttings, or delicate seedlings use 1/4 tsp. of each nutrient to 1 gallon water

Note: Similar approach can be applied to Advanced Hydroponics of Holland nutrient series.

More on GH online: http://generalhydroponics.com/nutrient-questions/