A Shadey spot to grow, Perpetual organic no till

Just burped the jar, after 48 hours, smells are changing, starting to develop a kind of rubber contact glue x spear mint, muscle rubbing deep heat stuff, the fruity smells have dissipated a bit, I am hoping they come back.


Great news about your compo hassles!

You ought to get a bonus for all the mental anguish they put you thru dealing with their BS.

Bad news about the oil tho. Could have been worse if it caught something on fire so someone up there is looking out for you.

Finally got 5 Mazarilla planted outside and now finishing up last year’s patch to put 6 of the 7 CBD Auto ‘Hemp’ plants I have been growing since the start of June. Supposed to be regular but all 7 are girls so will have to keep one aside for spraying with STS if I want more seeds.

Now that your house is all fixed up for sale and you won’t have to sell for financial reasons do you plan to stay?



No, unless we cant sell it lol, wifes packing up stuff already, got the realter coming around Thursday to check it over and give us an idea of what we might get for it. With the money from WCB, I might get some landscapers in to do a yard renovation if the realter thinks its worth it.


That’s as good as winning the lottery mate. I’m pleased for you :blush:


Thanks man.

There are catches lol I looked online to see if I could work out how they come up with the figures and whether they include unemployment insurance in it, which they don’t.

They take your NET wages for the last 2 years of work and divide that by 85% then divide that by the number of days worked in that 104 weeks to get your average weekly earnings.

For the PMI its not going to be much as their doctor is very biased. When I went for the PMI on my wrist, he said pain levels were normal, I had good muscle tone and my reflexes were normal. I made my neurologist laugh, and he asked if he was a student doctor lol.

My muscle tone is crap my triceps have disappeared, cant open a crisp packet with my left hand, my reflexes are either brisk or very brisk which means not good at all as they fire multiple times instead of just once, and the pain is so bad I struggle to use my left thumb and hand. You cant win with these gits, the loss of earnings though I am very grateful for and will be considerable if I worked it out correctly, shoyuld get the offer letter tomorrow hopefully.


Bud pics.

Broken down branches taken out of the paper bag, forgot they were in there after coming back from the weekend with friends. Thats how I fucked up 2 jars of Oregon Huckleberry 2 jars of Tranquil Elephantizer Remix and 2 jars of Sour Diesel X Snow Lotus the last time we stayed with them after a harvest and they went mouldy in the jars :persevere:

They were a drier than I like but better than mouldy lol.

Pics a little blurry.

All Jarred up in 1 litre jars I will give them a weigh up in a couple of weeks, after they dry some more. I figure close to 100g from 4 plants, normally get that on one plant lol, but its been a fun little project and should keep me in fresh bud for several months :slight_smile:


Nice, looks like some good headstash! Dry > Mold Any day!

Jeez, those evaluators sound just like how Compensation amd Pension exams go in the US for veterans trying to get on disability. The VA contracts it out to providers and it’s a total crapshoot on the Doctors you get.

Those doctors have the power of God to affect your future, and it’s just a totally bad situation.

We can appeal or ask for a higher level review or if we know the doc os going to screw us, theres a way to complain and get it noted, so idk if that’s an option for you with your program, but it may be worth checking out.


Yeah I appealed the decision on my wrist and it was declined, no explanation even with all the doctor reports showing I have clonus which is a symptom of brisk reflexes and you can’t have one without the other.



Jesus do you ever get a break from ache n pains?
What has to happen for you to have pain free mobile day. with out say meds. End Quote.

I don’t want to fill up the covid check in thread so I will answer you here.

Basically, mobility and pain free are not compatible lol. Pain free and living isn’t either atm, but I am working on it.

I must be a bit of a masochist lol as I have always pushed my body and luck to the limit.

Multiple high speed motorcycle crashes before I was 21, then years of steroid abuse, pounding weights down the gym, until I couldn’t move from the pain.

Mixed martial arts for a long time, getting beaten up sparing and full contact. Crashe’d my truck, fell asleep at the wheel, that one was really close, if the tree that cut through the hood to the windshielderly was 4 more inches to the center of the hood I would be toast lol, hardly a scratch on me. Fell off buildings, broke all my toes.

I find pain is a kind of aquired mental disiplin to deal with. It’s a bit like long fasting, but you can’t just stop like you would hunger by eating.

When I practiced a lot of deep meditation and self hypnosis, I wanted to test it out, so the next time I had a tooth needing filling, I told the dentist I didn’t want any anesthetic, which made him smile. He was old school, and had antique dentistry equipment in display case’s, in the waiting room. So he said, that was cool we can stop if it gets to painful.

Every time after that I had no anesthetics for fillings. When we came to Canada my new dentist refused to do it without anesthetic, he was worried I would sue him lol.

Pain is like good meditation, you have only one single focus point without distraction lol.

You made some other points about karma, it’s an interesting subject that intrigues me. You asked about focus and what it should be on.

For the last couple of years now, I have focused on being happy. It’s about appreciating what I have not what I have lost, and whilst focusing on being happy, remembering times I was very happy and making that feeling stronger.

This is a simple little affirmation I use.

For the universal good of all, I could certainly use more cash money and happiness now.

For the universal good of all, except workers compensation, I certainly expect more cash money and happiness to flow to me now.

Trust is the big thing, sometimes what is happening looks scarey, but the universe just doesn’t give you these things you want, it gives you the opportunity to create them, you just have to trust and see the opportunity that is a possible reality and keep that focus, if one road becomes blocked look for another, the key is to keep making connections, so the universe can bring more opportunities.


Whenever someone talks about how to mentally deal with pain
I have flashbacks of watching Rambo sewing his own stitches without yelling. every time. That memory is in there deep. lol
also, the nerve schematic for pain, shows where pain signals travel,
and how it is indeed possible to divert the pain signals.

You sound stubborn enough if the universe was trying to push you in a direction
It may have to push hard. lol
The universe in its Ying Yang way forcing the lessons of stop to someone who forces go?
or as you said appreciate what you have. that is my day-to-day.
I would take it one more step. Wondering if it is a case of
The influence becomes the warning.
Make something look cool to people who would fuck it up and hurt them selfs
or others if they tried.
I think of Charley Sheen like the universe used him as an example. He looked too cool doing what he was doing so in the name of balance he had to look foolish. I don’t know, crazy theories.
easy-e became a warning not to be soo easy you may get aids. for ex.
The universe may have stopped you before that fatal cycle or cycle crash?
It was nothing personal just physics and mercy save to a person who was not stopping.
or just math eventually something will go wrong.
Bikes are scary, statistically, I learned from a young age on bicycles and skateboards that I need to crash first and learn second.


My neck injury was something I asked for, it’s not until you can look back with understanding that you see the connection.

I was beginning to hate my job, I kept saying to myself, I need to do something else, but never did anything about it. So the universe made it happen for me, but in a way I didn’t want. We have to be careful what we wish for or be precise about what we want.

For instance my affirmation, about cash and happiness. When I first started to use it I just asked for money.

That resulted in lots of credit card offers, and our line of credit with the bank, the line of credit was a life saver for us and gave me the opportunity to fight workers comp.

I didn’t want credit cards though so I changed it to cash money.

You can have lots of money and still be unhappy though. Happy is an interesting word it’s similar in it’s affect to, I wonder how I can. Starting a sentence with this creates many possibilities without the conscious mind getting in the way, with negative beliefs.

Happiness encompasses everything we need to thrive and is in balance, as you pointed out, the universe is always trying, like our bodies to maintain a balance which is healthy.

I will remove workers comp from my affirmation once they have paid me out lol.

After writing the affirmation yesterday, I was speaking to my neighbour, he asked what was happening to my truck, that has been sat on the drive for 14 months now with a fucked frame.

I haven’t had the time to deal with it fully as I have been working on the house, and it takes up all my energy, as we were going to need to sell it, if workers comp failed to come through.

I have been thinking about getting rid of the truck but it has emotional connections as my dad gave me the money to buy it back in 2011 just before he died.

My neighbor doesn’t have much money, he is on disability after 2 or 3 heart attacks in the last few years.

He offered me 800 for it which I thought was more than fair, as he hadn’t even looked at it closely.

It’s got a lot of rust and after sitting so long the rotors would be useless, so I said, because of all your help over the years ploughing the drive of snow and cutting our grass, after my accident, which was almost impossible for me to do, and you wouldn’t take money for doing it, you can have the truck for free, there was even a full tank of gas in it lol.

My wife said to me, what is the point of asking the universe for money if you keep refusing to take it when offered lol.

Later yesterday I got an email from the power company, saying they were reducing our power bill by 80 dollars a month, and when I cancelled the insurance on the truck in the afternoon, it saved me another 80 dollars a month, plus the smile on his face, and him saying I have always wanted a little truck like yours, was worth the lss of 800 bucks to me.

If you want to know if your life is moving in the right direction, look for synchronicity, everything flows easily and just seems to happen at the right time, although we are mostly not aware of it at the time. I can look back through my life and see where I was in synchronicity and when I was being stubborn and not listening, or asking for something the wrong way.

Even little throwaway thoughts, you would not think had any importance, can have a dramatic affect if coupled with an intense emotional reaction to something.


A few years ago my car’s exhaust started rattling loudly at lower RPMs. I said aloud “Man, I wish I didn’t have to repair that
”. Bam! The next day the car was rear ended at a stoplight and completely destroyed.

I still don’t know what I want out of life, but I haven’t wished for anything since :rofl:


( I wrote interesting examples I retracted for being heat-e , so I scraped that and I will just say.)
All true. emotional conviction while thinking changes your world. You have to express your clear intent to the universe. Honest as well. I went from could have been homeless, to doing better then I ever had in a year that started with a honest convo with the universe.


That’s how quickly it can work sometimes, I have had to learn to be specific the hard way lol. Just throwing out wishes without thinking about how it’s it’s going to happen can be disastrous. That’s why I always start with now. For the universal good of all. I don’t want to get a life insurance pay out from the wife dying or something similar.

At the time I was wishing to not do my job anymore, I was also considering growing weed again, but the wife was not happy about me doing it illegally.

The universe nailed it in one go, well 3 actually, I slipped on ice while working 2 times in 3 weeks a month before me tripping over with my accident lol. I guess I should have not ignored the warning shots, and changed my wish to something more precise and less damaging to my body lol.


This somewhat reminds me of the “We’ll See” Chinese proverb. It stuck with me and it forced me to view life situations differently. As you mention the importance of having clear intention, however, sometimes the answers received can be confusing or not fully realized until later on. I do feel a bit cursed at times with maintaining this idea of life seeking balance though because when something very positive occurs my thoughts drift to “ok now what’s going to happen to balance this out.”

Always enjoy your musings, you have quite a few gems scattered throughout the years here on OG that I’ve bookmarked. I think someone at one point (maybe your wife?) encouraged you to write a book. Any future plans on that? Bucket list maybe?

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I like that proverb, it maybe Buddhist, going with the flow and no attachment, or being distracted by other people’s beliefs that may limit your potential reality. Which is where trust comes in, the hard bit lol.

Its only when you can look back you can see the confirmation of your trust and beliefs in small and unexpected details.

I have been trying to show the wife how this works, now we point out each others limiting comments and thoughts.

She has a similar fear like you, with the rug being pulled out under your feet, just when things are going good. So she shuts down her joy, for fear of losing it, which is exactly the same thing.

You can look at that from different perspectives, guilt for being happy or not deserved. Creating thoughts and emotions which will send that energy out that you don’t deserve.

Karmic influences. Now karma for me is reality, cause and effect, basic sub atomic physics.

What ever we focus on, changes how it behaves, this may be at a minute molecular level of change, sometimes much more, but when multiple consciousnesses synch up you can start to make big changes.

The interesting part with consciousness and the law of attraction is to get it, you must already believe you already have it now. You have to feel it emotionally and mentally.

Thanks, I often wonder how my ramblings are viewed by others, I am glad you like some of it, they can be a bit wierd for some lol.

I do it mainly to show people there is some strange stuff we don’t know all about, thats interesting to think about, and test it out if so inclined to see if it works.

What do we have to lose, when your trying to improve your life. Its strange, I will get old posts liked and I will look to see what it was about.

ñMost of the time I don’t remember posting it, sometimes I think, fuck I must have been really stoned, and sometimes I impress myself lol.

Yeah it was my wife, she was on at me again the other day, as I told her something about my past she had not heard before. She says now and again, You need to write this down for your daughter and other people lol.

I hate typing my fingers are constantly hitting the wrong letters and predictive text is a shite invention, surprised it didn’t change the, shite, it normally does lol. I spend more time correcting than I do typing.

I guess I could check out a dictation program, see if they have improved from the one I tried 8 years ago, they probably have. When you see a post of mine I bet its been edited, there aren’t many that are not :persevere:

Again a little synchronicity, and as I am not growing again for the moment, I was just thinking last week about posting random thoughts on subjects whilst waiting for the house to sell and a new change in life, to force myself to converse more and make myself look even more crazy than usual :rofl:

My current experiment, selling the house and getting a large payout from workers comp is going well, I was not expecting them to cave at the last hurdle so easily, after seven years of denying me lol. So now that is almost settled, I still have the PMI tests to do and get the replacement earnings calculated by them.

I have been vizualizing for the last 4 years along with doing the affirmation, of 240,000 in the bank as a total payout.

The realtor said, the house is worth just under 500,000 and I think that might be a bit optimistic, but I am interested and excited to see what the universe will provide for my happiness and cash money :smirk:


I like examples share away if you want, whats heat-e :thinking:


@Shadey Wow! What a nice read!! And a really decent person is behind these words!!
Well said! It made me picture his gratitude!! Please let your wife know she has a great person by her side!! :pray: :hugs:


haha I would go on for hours in person, believe me.
A heat bag is a person who does heaty things that are heat-e or something like that.lol I used the term for so many years, that I forgot it was a local evolution of the expression " too much heat." again pains the knowledge sharer and storyteller in me not to share this gem-filled story with a lesson related to what I my self brought up but I still reap rewards outlined in that story.


I had a phase paranoid enough and a life that made me so cautious I would cut sentences I thought,plans, short just encase something was listening, something that would try to mess with my plans or me. Not something I believed in 100% or anything even if at all, but to cover my basses I did it.
My logic was if people could make phones and computers that could up load and down load information, I started thinking backwards well IF ( big IF ) IF something was able to engineer us as sophisticated as we are well certainly it would be no task for that something to make us/our brains/thoughts ect up loaded, all our shit and eventually spitting off that theory someone mentioned “what about down loads” and that got me thinking even deeper. Still not religious, but I have insta- karma. universe makes things mega clear to me often. first joint I smoke, my buddy brought around a guy from another school, he had hash, did not know him my friend did, never saw the guy prior or until I did 20 years later when I was mega broke had a check for 130 bucks that I felt needed flipping and thought I would stray from weed and try flipping some “cola” my very first packaged , gram wrapped, I ask a friend if he knows anyone ( different friend) he comes back with that fucking guy who smoked me my first joint.He was like a non stop ecstasy popping chem guy now I decided that was a giant sign. from that first joint of hash, weed become my life, I could not afford to start a new life based on " cola" I mean what are the chances? I also knew how crazy addicted I am to nicotine and I did not need a tempting new addiction in my house after midnight especially. My life is weird no way around it. I have other just as WTF are the chances examples and a bunch of esp themed stories. I am sure I can out weird you brother so no worries. lol I went with out, broke my whole life when I really needed it it came so I am sure it is waiting for you.