Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

I have been sacrificing a goat to Odin for the last 3 outdoor grows and zero PM or rot. When I chop my plants down with my blade, I say a prayer and vow I will meet them in Valhalla.


Warrior goats or regular goats? It makes a difference.


They were conscripted… soldiers but not by choice?


Indeed it has, and I have a hard time believing that they’d have spent their time in Vinland without bringing hemp along, excavations in Newfoundland have shown that they had a weaving room in their boat repair facility, besides a bog iron forge and other manufactories. What were they weaving with for the century they were there before the Little Ice Age hit? After that they abandoned the settlements in an orderly way, heading home and leaving behind hemp genetics in North America.

Archaeologists have shown that they traveled and traded south into more temperate regions, likely accessing the trade routes of the northern nations of what would eventually become the Haudenosaunee or the Six Nations Confederacy, the largest pre-Columbian civilization in the Eastern Woodland region crossing into the Great Lakes. They extensively practiced what we call permaculture or food forests nowadays, and would have easily seen the personal and trade value of hemp as a multi-use crop that was hardy and acclimatized well without much human input. They favored plants and trees that could be encouraged but not directly cared for, and hemp is exactly like that. Incidentally also the group that would encounter those first French trapper/colonists/missionaries who are recorded as the first to plant hemp in North America, and they would have folded those genetics into whatever they already had.


I think the Little Ice Age is actually a big issue missing from these discussions of ancestral cannabis and its spread over the millennia. It was a lot warmer in places we think of as cold before that! It’s the only modern period in which glaciation actually increased, in Switzerland they lost whole farms and villages to glacier creep, for example. But before that dip, take Greenland: it was very green and temperate, with much a much wider array of wildlife and plants, because it was at least a few degrees Celsius warmer on average. That’s why the Vikings colonized it in the first place and then the LIA is why they abandoned it largely to the Thule/Inuit since then.


As much as love this discussion, I feel like we have strayed from Haze Only part of this thread. :upside_down_face:

@moderators Perhaps some of the posts here should be moved to here? or some other landrace thread perhaps to help keep this thread topical.


what sort of flowering time and stretch do you expect on those?

Climate has been behind a lot of human history. The Mini Ice Age is the one we’ve been able to document in any detail. The suckiest part is that it happened right after the Medieval Warming Period, during which time the human population across the world increased greatly. I know in Europe, the population quadrupled, leading to the Crusades, but that’s another discussion.

I already posted it a few other places, but this one is exactly what it looks like in everyway. Nevil’s pre’ Sensi 5haze. Serotonin of Mali, energy of Aderol. Roller coaster waves tickle mind and body from sahasrara to manipura chakras. Zero load, Hangover or ceiling. Whatever the combination of cannabinoids and terpenes it also is anti anxiety. It is such a mood enhancer that the energy factor is without consequences unless it’s bedtime. Dripping wet dank frank. #2R4 Alpine Haze 1.0 a vortex haze


This is Malisco Haze ( Sannie’s Shackzilla X Afropip’s Malawi Gold) X (Soma’s Amnesia Haze X Eskobar’s Jalisco ibl) at week 15. Made by F.O.T.H from the OpenGrow era. She has a mango smell to her.


((Haze/SK1) x SK1) x (Haze x SK1)
Day 37F

Only 2 seeded females shown out of 6.




Recombination of plant genetics is the process by which genetic variation is generated and maintained in plants through the exchange of DNA segments between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Recombination can result in new alleles, gene conversions, or novel combinations of genes. Recombination is influenced by various factors, such as chromosome structure, gene density, environmental signals, and DNA repair mechanisms. Recombination is important for plant evolution, adaptation, and breeding.

N-haze x O-Haze x Appalachian Super Skunk


A friend who is a sativa haze enthusiast on IG looooosh. He just posted a pack of zamzedelica . He said it was the best effect he ever got from cannabis. Reminded him of MDMA which is what my favorite cuts of Alpine 1.0 have. It made me really interested in mating these 2.

Does anyone else here have experience with this line?


Definitely good sativa. I have some crossed with a bubblegum s1 from Mosca that i made.


I grew some straight Durban about 10 years ago. Don’t remember from what breeder/seed bank.
Had one plant that had colas as big as a small pineapple. Ended up molding in the middle. All the plants were junk tho.


Pure Sativa genetics dont show that super good quality often. I’m sure DP is not different. I can say the same for haze… Ive never found a keeper in any hazes I’ve grown so far. All the really good plants came from out crosses.


I could definitely see it adding some bulk without introducing indica genes


I have 12 of these going now.


I need to revisit zamaldelica. Only grew it once and honestly cannot remember the high but it had the strangest aroma that I didn’t quite like.


Growing them now, from a OG co-op box I think.

Vigorous plants.