Advanced nutrients

I think it’s also a question about where you are, how is your water source and are you using RO filters.

If your using RO filters, you will need more Ca and much more Mg. I already add extra Mg to the 3 part, as many strains require more then what’s in the basic 3 part.
I run a rich tap water, where my Ec is already 0.9 after pH adjusting alone.
My water company, make a public analysis of the water. I can print that of their homepage, and I know what’s already in the mix to begin with.

All thouse sugar based additives, are IMO just for feeding the beneficial cultures. As the plant as far as I know, can’t uptain sugars thru their root system. Beneficial bacteria and mycelium on the other hand, can eat sugars and “waste nutes” and they help the plant uptain nutrients in a wider pH range.
So they have an effect, and I don’t think it’s stupid to use BB cultures and mycelium. They can be very helpfull in many ways, but I don’t feel the need to buy bloom boosters and other stuff like that to feed it.

My BB culture is natural occurring, no need to feed it. It lives of waste nutrients in my reservoir, converting it back into plant food. When my grow reservoir, smell’s like my aquarium water, I know it’s really good :smiley:

When I used mycelium, I fed it cheap molasses from the farmers shop. Dunno if they feed it to pigs, or cows or what ever. It was dirt cheap!


What are some sources of BB Cultures etc. How do I participate in their initial delivery? Why is molasses better than some of the sweeteners on the market?


@Palindrome, I grow in happy frog and hand water.
Thanks for the comment my friend! Haven’t heard from you in a minute. Much Respect


Uhhh good question, alot of this I learned thru my many years keeping aquariums along with growing.

I have found there are a lot of really good solid info, on BB cultures on Koi forums.
Many of these people, have koi’s for a 100K in their ponds.

The enzymes and BB cultures they use, do the same as the stuff you buy in the grow shop.
Different price, and much bigger buckets/jugs.

So I would try and find a serious koi forum, the are likely to have a section about filters. There you should be able to find loads of info on BB cultures and enzymes, that break down waste nutes and organic matter.

I think molasses is pretty much molasses, I have not researched it. But my educated guess is, the mycelium won’t care what bottle it comes from. It’s a waste product from the sugar industy, but it rich in different minerals. So it also contains, a few things the plant can eat, but not sure it’s acceable to the plant untill it’s been broken down.
Here im a bit lost on where to go read up on mycology, and how the mycelium and root network symbiosis work.
It’s a long time ago I studied this, and not in English, but there are a bunch of different things playing in.

Both enzymes and mycelium will eat molasses, I used the cheap animal food one made from sugar beets. No idea if canesugar molasses is better/worse or the same.

Hope this helps a little, guiding you on the right path


Thanks man. I have great respect for your work and I value any input offered. One Love


Bringing up an old thread but…

I’m using the grow micro bloom series, all AN says is to mix in equal parts. Is that the only way to go, or can you math it out and change the ratios depending on veg vs flower

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I tried AN’s PH Perfect nutes for a while because Fox Farm, and then Mega Crop, wasnt working in my hydro setup. AN didnt really work any better. Both seem to have organic components that the nasty bugs in my water just love to eat. I was unable to stabilize PH and could not keep the bacteria/algae under control - even with massive doses of copper, chlorine, beneficial bacteria and enzymes added. Nothing worked.

I finally switched over to a non-organic nute - Jacks 321, and I no longer have PH or bacteria issues.

Im convinced that any nute with organic components is a bad choice if you are doing hydro. At least for me.

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I’m in soil so I have a bit kess to worry about. Did you ever play with the ratios?

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Recently switched to AN ph perfect 3 part just to try and out. And im gonna stick with it for a few more grows atleast because its been one of the easiest i have used anf my plants look great. Wont know until i get to try the finished project. Last few grows were with nectar for the gods. NFTG is overpriced and does not work well for me. Just my opinion.

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Sure you can. But ratios matter less than what you’d think, in my experience. Conventional wisdom says one thing, but I’ve grown fine plants in veg with 5-15-14. The science says optimal ratio for Cannabis is 3-1-2 but the plants don’t really seem to care much whatever you give them, as long as your pH is in range and you change your nutrients with some frequency.


Hey @Grohio. About 2years ago I was practically all AN. I have replaced the important AN products with other products that are better IMO and considerably cheaper. The ones I have held on to are sensizyme and nirvana, They work fantastic and I can’t find anything comparable. The only beef I have with AN is the price. It grows great looking and high performing plants. Just my $.02 worth.


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So basically use it how they say, cause it’s not worth the risk dickin around.


If you’re already getting great results, it probably won’t do much good to dick around with it.

I’ve grown great veg plants with 5-15-14 Maxibloom start to finish, if that tells you anything. I use Dyna Gro Foliage Pro now, because the science says it’s the best ratio for Cannabis, but I can’t tell much of a difference.


That’s good enough for me. I’ve got a deep green and good growth going on

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Great post @vernal. If one does some research they will find that for the most part these nute formulas are the same or very similar. When people complain about a bottle nute I tell them “don’t let the plants see the label”!



My ears are open if you want to give me a list of what AN products you replaced with what?

I have ran AN a lot and a close friend only runs it and has for about 5 years now. We found that sensi a and sensi b overdrive and big bud produce the same results as when we used all the addatives, conoiseur ect… i have been switching over to recycled soil with dry ammendments and feeding with iguana juice and molasses the last couple runs and have been happy with the quality and quantity. Im gonna do half of the plants with iguana juice and half with sensi next run to make my final verdict.

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