Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Ok. I think your plants are not getting a complete dark cycle. A couple things possible. Your timmer is malfunctioning or has a pin or two up, when it’s suppose to me dark. Your LEDs are not turning off completely. You have light infiltration from outside your room, during the dark cycle. Have you flowered photo sensitive plants in your space before? If so, what has changed since then?

The timer is working perfectly brother (I’m almost there in the next room most of the time) and there are no lights leaks…
This is my first time flowering indoors brother, the seeds are from a bag of weed (probably landrace)…

What makes me sad is that, i could have finished halfway had i grown any known hybrids…


Oh I see. I didn’t realize it was a local land race. I thought it was seed for OG. I should have clued in by the structure of it.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: So in that case, your in for the long haul I’m afraid. Keep the 13 hr darkness going and the plants will finish in their own time. Hope it’s not a 20 weeker! Do you have a seperate spot to veg some hybrids and then put them in with the landrace while it finishes? I use to get two rounds of hashplant in during one round Super Lemon Haze.


Thanks for confirming that brother…
I have already ordered tarpaulin and panda paper online, planning to convert a 2×4×6 rack into a veg room.
I have one 4 ft 40watts Led extra (gonna order couple more) and my old exhaust…
If all goes as planned, i might end up with seperate flowering room and I can veg more in the room…


I hear ya. I’m growing a long flowering sativa right now and have turned my veg cab into an indica run to give myself something to do in the meantime :+1:


Have you tried watering with fresh raw coconut water? I find that it seems to make my roots very happy, besides the other growth benefits of it.


My buddy is flowering Neville haze right now. The one is just starting to get clusters and half the room is done(hybrid)
They are looking great!

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Will it work on coco with synthetic fertilizers too bro?


Looks like i would have to plan ahead if i ever run landraces again…


As far as I know, yes, it should.


You definitely want to plan. Even outside needs a plan based on expected weather. No dense afghani in wet conditions for example


I’ve been thinking about your auto experience. Are you able to start them inside on 24/0 light schedule? If you put them outside part of the time to harden them off for the sun and brought them inside so they stay light 24 hours a day.
I think that this would allow you to get them larger. Once they’re say half to .75 percent through the flower than just leave them outside to finish.

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I’ll be thinking twice before putting anything outside for sometime, given the couple of bad experiences in a row…
After moving to the new place i might give it a go again brother…


The New Addition
Although this plant was started very late than others, it is the tallest of the bunch for now, despite it’s pot size…
And she’s a girl too…

Edited to add quality photo…


Happy 4/20 brothers and sisters… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Happy 420!! They are looking beautiful! Have a great day


@hollyho received them beans just past 420 brother. Thank you so much for these…
Can’t wait to pop them soon…


Awesome! Took about a month? I can’t remember when I sent them. I’m glad they made it :sweat_smile:


It took only 18 days brother…
The beans are big and awesome…


Well I’m glad someone’s keeping up w things :joy: tag me when you pop em! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: