Any old Overgrowers growing old seeds still .From back in the days of Overgrow.Or any news members even growing old cultivars which come from their

Here we go I will try to post up a pic .Of the SD x OG from back in 2002.They don’t look much yet. They are going to be reported up and given some last bdsm.

The other pic is a pic of my CCK just going back into reveg. After just being flowerd off.

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I think I have some of those seeds in my collection…


Indeed you have Phil i would love to be able to remember who breed them and sent them to me.You should see if they germ get them cracked up.

As both are very good cultivar, be a shame to loose them.That is why i am going through all my old stuff now.Looking at those ones you have posted.

It looks like you have some right gems their stashed away.

Maybe I’ll grow them this winter in my SWC/TRON system …what are they anyway, Sour Diesel crosses?

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The ones i have are Sour Diesel crossed OG Kush .

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This looks like a thread about popping seeds. I learned a new method I learned on here, I will share. I took the seeds and soaked them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water about 1/20. Then I took a small plastic bowl and dumped some worm castings in straight from the bag. I moistened them with a sprayer then found a plastic bag to cover it. Took the seeds, which were old, and put them on the worm castings and sprayed them again. Then covered the bowl and set it on my modem on top of some old mail. In two days they popped.


Nice one for that Grayeyes .

Here are the same SDxOG .