Any old Overgrowers growing old seeds still .From back in the days of Overgrow.Or any news members even growing old cultivars which come from their

As the thread title says.I was just wondering if any old skool heads on here.
Are still growing any cultivars.That they got back in the days of overgrow.

The reason i ask this, is i tried to germ some old JLP seeds nada nothing.Then tried a old Dman cultivar spice crossed something else which is forget now again nada nothing.

Then i tried to germ some of Tom Hill Pine tar Kush again jack nada .
So i was starting to think all my old seeds was brown bread.

Then i picked some out some SD x OG ie Sour Diesel crossed OG Kush.
Which i got back in 2002 or 2003 one or the other.Not a clue who breed them though back in the good old days of Overgrow and Cannabis World.

Well after 14 days in damp tissue blow me down.Out of the 6 seeds 3 have germed and are now small little plants.

Though one is a right spud you like.

Now i just have to sort out, how to post pics up on here.
Now that should be fun.


Hell yeah on the 3 plants! Great job. I didn’t know about the site until the end of last year so I haven’t gotten any of the old strains, but there are several places to find solid techniques to pop those old seeds.

I hope you start a journal for these plants I’d love to follow along.

You can even just turn this into your journal if you wanted.

As far as posting pics I’m on mobile so I’ll this will only apply if you are as well.

In the bottom right just under the text box is an up arrow sitting on a base beside what looks to be a monitor. They are the upload and preview tabs. Use the upload button while making a comment and you’ll be able to pick picture/s from your phone to upload or take a picture.

Hope that helps




24 hour Hydrogen peroxide bath 1st… about a teaspoon in a cup of water …you’ll be completely surprised at the high rate of germination @Hashy

After that in soil right away moisten and wait


Yes that’s the upload button… click it choose your file and upload then send message @Hashy


Have you tried the aloe vera plant apparently you slice the plant and put the seed in side . And thats it look it up for a better idea .


Not as old as OG Overgrow seeds, but I just popped some 5 year old seeds that germinated as quick as the other recent seeds I popped at the same time. I soaked them in aloe water (buildasoil’s aloe powder concentrate) overnight before popping them in coco coins. 36 hours later they were popping up.


I just seen that method be offered alot for old seeds but sounds like you already got the memo good luck ! Im very interested in the turn out of your work hope all turns out well cheers !


Zindica among others…I actually have seeds I made from clone only strains…20+yrs. old seeds, I use the paper towel method and it hasn’t failed me yet…


I just noticed i cocked up the tread title lol What a dinghy It should say new not news ups oh well.


Thanks and thanks for all the info on posting up pics.
I am using my pc most of the time.Though for pics i will use my phone.
So nice one for all that It is a great help.Once i get it sorted i will turn this into a journal like you have suggested.

CaptainRon Thanks for showing me the bits i need to go to to put up pics.
With Gadarien info and your pic should get is sorted out .

Nice one for all that info on germing old seeds.I had thought about using some of that Hydrogen peroxide .As others have said in the past that it gives them the boost that they need.

I can honestly say i had not even thought of that…

Let alone tried it.Thanks for the tip.

Aloe vera always brings a smile to my face saying that name vera.It brings me back to my days watching corrie and Prisoner Cell Block H which i am watching again now for the 6 time.

With that and the Hydrogen peroxide which Terpsnpurps was on about.

I will be sure to try them both out next time.As i hate losing old seeds.I still have some Pine Tar Kush once with loads of others .So i will be sure to try both methods next time.

Jobu .I have never heard of that stuff that you talk about .So i will have to have a look into it .if its doing the job is 36 hours. That is a good crack forsure.So as i said i will be sure checking that stuff what you speak of .

Nice one for that.

PhilCuisine.Well thats two names that i remeber from back in the days . You name for one.Tis good to see another old Overgrow still about doing the do.Your name as is the Zindica name both are reall blast from the past lol.

Its like going backwards in a timewarp.Its good to see that Zindica still doing the rounds.

I am sure i still have some pics of that very cultivar done by others with all my others many old Ovegrow pics thats i still have saved .Mine and many others.

Like you Phil i have always used paper towl.It never use to fail me.Just with those last ones i was on about.It was just not cutting the mustard so to speak.I think that little things bless them just needed that extra little boost.

With all the suggestions from others on here i will be sure to try them on the other old seeds thats i still have.

So thanks everyone for all the suggestions on germing old seeds.Plus how to post up on here.

Seeing your name Phil like taking me back to good times.
Long gone.


I have perfected my Phototron grows…


Some fine looking buds their Phil weird you say Salmon Creek Big Bud.
As that is one of the other cultivar that i got from Tom Hill.My m8 did it was quite a nice toke being big bud huge heads he got. I can remember those Phototrons being sold in High Times back in the days.


Here’s a link to it, Build A Soil Horticultural Aloe

I really like Build A Soil and their products, I use a lot of them.

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@PhilCuisine Zindica!!! I remember a member by the name of BumBaklot I think (poor spelling) that was growing it on 1.0… I thought that was a lost one for good!! What’s the chances you have some beans!!???


I have an ongoing thread with some seeds 17 years old. I’ve had half germ, but they were fridge. Came from humboldt outdoor I got years ago.

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Yes I do, somewhere in my arsenals…

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Hey i have been have a real break down in communication with my beans im have a problem popping them lately and i have been asking the odd person to explain there method if you have a moment please explain your version of the paper towel because believe it or not its not done the same way all the time some guys have different tweeks they do to make it there own !


Go to my homemade strains thread, I have a few post on there…can’t really explain now, I just clocked in for work…


I just popped a couple orange sunshines from @50state from 2017… a random XJ cross by @99PerCent and working in a couple c99xromberry that haven’t shown any root yet. All from 2016/17

Not quite 20 years old but still have some decent genetics saved. Sometimes you have to pack it up… just getting set back up after about 8 years.

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Come join the conversation- I’m having the same issues:

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