Back To The Basics V2


following along you got a nice set up going and the genetics to keep me engaged kick some ass!


Gave them a light prune and cleaned up the bottoms aswell . Leaves are v ing got up to 87 degrees yesterday . Think I better open up a window.


Setting up for a nice crop @Purple_Drank604 ! Looking good man!:star_struck:

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For the new genetics think imma pot them up and stick them in a 5x5 let them get big enough to share :slight_smile:

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Day 20

Rockin and Rollin


Nice job @Purple_Drank604 ! Your growing the shit outta those testers!:+1::fire::gem:

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Hey i can post pictures on your thread if you like ? Just dont know if you dont want pictures flooding it just going to do weekly updates

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Feel free to post on my thread if you want to, no worries. I’m following along here for sure! Awesome to see everything side by side! Great work man!:pray:

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My beneficial bugs showed up today let the war begin.


Got the girls all pruned up going to run the lights till there end of there light cycle then 48 hours of darkness


Right on @Purple_Drank604 ! Looks like your all set!:+1:
Did you manage to sex any of them?

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Been beating them with a stick and still nothing. So i have to put them in the blurple room to recover lol starved them to death

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So they seem to be looking for light lol.


Happy happy happy. Looking great in there!

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Day 5 of flower seem to bounce back pretty quickly. Have the testers in the recovery tent just bringing them back tryed everything to stress them out to see if I could get them to show there sex. Guess ill have to waste time transplanting and take the males out one flowering kicks in. Who knows maybe ill be lucky and get no males , be nice to get 1 male from the chem fuegos so i can cross it with the chem fire.


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So for the testers I pulled out earlier I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots and put them into a 5x5 with spider farmer I also decied to prune them and take cuttings.
Not sure if If I want too flower them right now or wait a few days because of transplant shock.


Oh my goodness! Those are some nice specimens @Purple_Drank604 ! I’d put them to flower. Keep pushing them! Either way I see a crop of tasty nugs in your future!:+1::grin:

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Had to do a early prune not sure on flower day think im a week away from day 21 and on 21 is the last prune