Back To The Basics V2

I figured id start a version 2 so I dont get things mixed up with my other grow. For the lighting ill be using 4 300 watt quantum board I believe these have the 301 b samsung diodes. I will also be using 2 315 watts ceramic metal halides and also a 600 watt hps hoarderlex bulb. The strains are chem fire, rockstar, omg, purple indica.



These plants are 14 days of vegging with 2 days of darkness (48 hours). Today will be day 1 of flower with lights on. Ive been vegging these with the 300 watt quatum board lights at 40 percent with an average par of 420.



Now i have the leds on full tilt there 19 iches above canopy getting 800 par in center and falls off to 600 on the outsides. So ill be turning the ceramic metal halides soon and for the 600 watt hps i dont use it till week 4 of flower and i have it hanging in the middle of the room no shade just bulb vertically for some side light. So i have the hps bulb kick on 3 hours after lights are on and off 3 hours before sleep to represent the mid day light so its on for 6 hours.


I love your light set up and how you use it thru out the grow : ) how many weeks do you run the additional hps for , and what’s the set up after that ?


i ran a chem fire before and it was nice. where did you get that?

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The chem fire was not from bcbuddepot it was a cutting and it had the chem 91 i believe super gassy and strong really strong so it was a gift cutting. Ive had it for 5 years and if you know chem it has its hermy traits just noticing it now get the old pollen that pops out just started doing it now think i whent to hard on the kelp and just a warning to people kelp is a very very strong product it can really mess with a plant . Im only going to use it as a cloning cube soaker and transplant feed other than that spraying is in my mind the best application


For the lighting im a old school fella in that department used to run 3 hps to 1 halide and it would make a differnce in resin and fatness of the buds. Like if you ran pure halides in flower it would be juicy and fluffy from my research and the hps would give you the denseness. So it seems to me people are starting to understand that not only your feeds and environment are a recipe like vpd and stuff but light recipes are coming to the light now. So somthing new im trying and ran one run with the light combo and was super pleased the way it ran so going to document it this time.


@ifish so i run the hps till the end of 8 and for week 9 i just lower all the wattage and let them go for the easy finish just to keep the horns down on the buds and i only feed till the end of 5th week so starting of week 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 i water to leech not flush

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Would love to hear peoples flushing technique or leeching i mean for people who are confused flushing is when you run the water right through the pot to lower your ppms leeching is giving them enough water for the day. Really curious if any one uses flushing agents

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You should push your feeding like you push your lighting , making them work togeather
What is your feeding shedual ?

From w8 onwards I would drop p , so mainly k , mag and sulfur in mix till finish

Dropping most of the p is what helps stop the horns /foxtailing as p and k togeather make buds so if the p is dropped significantly all the plant can do is finish as it needs both to keep on making buds
: )


@ifish i cut my food at the end of 5 because my medicine hasn’t been up to par for the cleaness of it and seems not to affect the wieght much at all

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So for this run ill be running the remo nutrient line.
Day 2 of flower 5 gallon bucket mix
30ml micro
30ml pink
30ml grow
30ml astro flower
30ml Natures candy
30ml cal mag
1130 ppm
6.0 ph
700ml to ea 2 gallon plant


Day 3
Was a dry back day

Day 4
Was a water with 30ml of cal mag
Didnt check ppm
Ph 6.2

Also did a spray of safers BTK. Thrips seem a little bit out of hand been slacking on canopy and prunning maintenance. So had leaves touching the soil, causing a feeding fest for those bastard thrips.



Also got these seeds to pop


Last 2 pheno frosted fruit cake x Mac being reviewed

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Starting a new run going to be running Rock Star, Chem fire , Meat breath, skittles x gorilla glue, Lavender

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