Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Now that’s a breeder pack.


Nice package :package: to receive! WAHOO :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::turkey::v:


Now u have , 10,005 different strains
Hows the internet working so far…

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Peppers are on the way @THCeed … Let me know when it’s in ur hands buddy.
I actually put another stamp on it just to make sure lol… Theres 3 stamps


Ok,spill the beans…how do you do this?
I tried with the crap everclear we get in Canada and ended up with to much water…
Any tips?


Lol go to tinture thread or ask @JoeCrowe

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I use everclear and if I need to reduce it, I use a stainless pot on the lowest setting on the stove. Even water evaporates with time.

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I usually don’t drink my coffee after 20 minutes, LOL
If you soak your weed in the Everclear for 2 weeks or longer, you can strain it and drink it as a tincture. I think the recipe is called Green Dragon.


Looks Funky,

Yes, I would also like to add use caution as the molecules become very volatile. That stuff when left, will evaporate at room temperature.

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For a better tasting tincture, use an MCT. It infuses well.

My batch of cream is done.

I like my new containers, just wish the little ones were a bit bigger.


Do u use the SOURCE Turbo Ethanol Botanical Concentrate Extractor …

I do not, if that question was directed at me.

Those creams look awesome! Dig your containers.

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yes it was, just wondering, I am going to need and buy one… for Moms
Just wondering anyone hear have one and any opinions…

Now the plantation is all starting to make sense! :laughing:


Do you just let it sit in MCT or heat it up?

Join in on some Blueberry Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2) - #252 by Rhai88

And anyone else that want to try there luck


You have to heat it up, but not too much. You don’t want to cook off the goodies. I use a crock pot.


Yeah, all good. I did, but our Canadian everclear is only 75% so leaves quite a bit of water… USA everclear is 95. Just wondering if he had a secret.
At $50 a bottle, I’d like to keep the trial and error down :seedling:

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