Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Thanks for the chance @THCeed! :+1:

How Canadian of you :grin:

If youā€™re wanting to grow all in one container, youā€™d probably want to look into aquaponicsā€¦ Otherwise, I think youā€™re looking at a lot of plants :grin:

Thank you @THCeed!!!

thanks @THCeed for a chance on those beanz! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

good luck @ all! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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@Reznfingeez33 thanks for the chance thceed

Going to do the draw around 10:30, so if you need to tag anyone, now is the time. I will start another WIKI right after a winner is chosen.



@funkyfunk Hey dude, Iā€™m tagging you for this giveaway. Maybe youā€™ll get lucky :four_leaf_clover:

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Hey thanks for the head up! Iā€™m already in. I for one should have tagged people :smiley:

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Iā€™ve just tagged the EuroOGs :yum:

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First Iā€™m left handed ! And two if weā€™re using passwords I think Elvis would been appropriate cause Iā€™m a little fuck up but Iā€™m feeling fine !


How do I get in on this !?

@Thetravler scroll up to the wiki he posted and add your name and country flag, thatā€™s all my friend

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good luck :wink: :four_leaf_clover:

Number 20 is our winner.
Congrats @420noob, you will love these.


Hey congrats to a good dude, @420noob! Great giveaway @THCeed :smiley:


Awesome! Congrats @420noob SWEEEEET


Congratulations :tada::balloon::confetti_ball::champagne: @420noob on the win :trophy: for a Bart head full of THCeeDā€™s OG23! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Thanks :blush: again @THCeed for that giveaway with the GR8 prize :trophy:! :tophat::clap::tophat::clap::ok_hand::star_struck::upside_down_face::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Way to go @420noob and thanks @THCeed
Have a great Sunday :seedling:

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