Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Yeah, I do that too. :joy:
Get hungry, go in kitchen to make food, wash dishes, mop floor, clean oven, and 2 hours later remember I’m hungry and order a pizza cause now I’m too tired to make anything. :joy:
But ask me who sent me my first beans here. Oh yeah it was @Pigeonman :slightly_smiling_face: by the way bird man I sent those crosses made with your Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls male a couple weeks ago so BOLO for those since were talking about the post. :+1:t3:


You have nothing to apologize for when it comes to Can"t"Post!





Somehow @thceed sent me a letter that landed before some of the Canadians letters.WTF lol letters from Florida 1,900miles away takes 3 days from 5 hours away 5 days! Think I was faster when they were on horseback! :rofl::exploding_head:


IMG_4702 IMG_4703

@420noob letter on the way :joy::joy::joy: :+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Well, it’s bean way too long since I gave some fire away.
Up for grabs, is something that I don’t think I have put up before.
Let’s go with a Bart head full of THCeeD’s OG23
Good luck, everyone.

  1. @jamMAKEcan
  2. @CanuckistanPete
  3. @Smooth
  4. @TopShelfTrees1
  5. @ShiskaberrySavior
  6. @Garcimore :fr:
  7. @MyrtleGrounds
  8. @Trickster
  9. @OG619
  10. @XgrimmX
  11. @freed111 :canada:
  12. @misterbee
  13. @Cannaology :us:
  14. @Movement13
  15. @Dannyrawdog420
  16. @Til_Valhalla :us:
  17. @OhNo555 :us: :comet:
  18. @Jpaul :us:
  19. @Conitl
  20. @420noob :disenchanted:
  21. @Trae1170 :us:
  22. @CocoaCoir :us:
  23. @Big_Yeloe
  24. @djtrip
  25. @Tuned :canada:
  26. @percyryan66 :us_outlying_islands:
  27. @havens4hawks :us:
  28. @OnePassionateGrower
  29. @Natea
  30. @ix3u
  31. @RainToday :us:
  32. @DirtySlowToes :us:
  33. @JOHN1234 :us:
  34. @LzBoy
  35. @luxton :canada:
  36. @IKEA22
  37. @funkyfunk
  38. @dingys
  39. @Illicitmango :us:
  40. @m0sirys
  41. @Greenfingers :us:
  42. @Habitt :us:
  43. @BIGJ
  44. @Thetravler :canada:
    Add numbers if needed.

Ummm… :thinking: I think I have that already…
A cross with your name, that should be special…

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Thanks again @THCeed buddy

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Thanks :blush: @THCeed for the giveaway with the Bart head pucks and the OG23. What a GR8 prize :trophy:! :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck :four_leaf_clover: to all! :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::boom::fire::zap::upside_down_face::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Thanks @THCeed for the chance!

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Had me at OG….
Thanks bro, you are awesome

cool. i don’t have any of your stuff. i hear you create monster plants like @JohnnyPotseed

thanks for the opportunity @THCeed
appreciate you.


Awesome got 3 bcbb x kryptonite reaching for the sky ready to got into individual cups.

The back 3 are the bcbb the front 2, still waiting one 1 to pop, are Red Skunk 18 by @gregog


how do you do yield wise growing like this indoors? I did this outdoors in 5 gallons and did alright.

some of my pots had two plants, three plants, even up to like 8. 8 was def stretching it and they didn’t grow nearly as good as the ones with like 2-5

it was a good method to grow out a ton of regs and discard males etc

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I am no where near this good. But I will gladly take a second place to @JohnnyPotseed
Thanks, Brother.


He separates them into their own container.


Thank you for sharing with us brother

Super cool, thank you and

Good luck everyone!!!

I’m mutt also…the Italian men married Czechoslovakian and Polish women

The Italians in the fam are all up in Buffalo New York

I’m third generation Italian…so I can get citizenship in Italy (bucket list)

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Awesome offering, thank you! :green_heart:

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Thanks for the chance, big ceed :sunglasses::purple_heart: