Beans for everyone (Part 2)

104 will be my second guess…. And the winner :drum:

113 maybe lol

121 please

My guess is 177.
Thank you @THCeed

Last guess 188

Thanks @THCeed ! :+1:

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My guess #5, maybe I am lucky today, thanks for the chance @THCeed

2 thanks for the opportunity. Good luck everybody.

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I’ll go with 78

Second guess, 9
Thanks for the chance :+1:

…69… :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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…169… :no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth:


The zero is a little high…

66 for me please

I’m going with 115 first

23 second guess.

Or maybe 143

And last 198.

Thanks for the chances @THCeed !

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Or maybe just good ol 3 :+1: thanks for the chance @THCeed

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First guess: 47 please

@Ris you wanna get in on this one? (or have you, and I’m blind? :grin:)

Second guees: 74

Btw, thanks for doing this @THCeed!!

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