Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Third guess: well, I’m am 12 mentally, so… 69 :blush:

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Thanks @THCeed

First pick, 33

second guess 44

Second pick is 210 since its half of 420 :slight_smile:

Third pick I’d have to go with 138. Love the misfits
Thanks for the opportunity @THCeed

I’ll have to 107 please

2nd pick 188

Lastly my 3rd choice, 123

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111 is my guess

141 second guess.

144 2cond guess

Number, number I choose 68 (first turn)

Number, number I choose 159 (second turn)

#177 third flip

Number, number I choose 23 (third turn)

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I know that 24 is the highest number there is so I’m goin with 24

Thank you @THCeed!!!

I pick #22

:thinking: Are you sure???
It only goes up to 200.


I will take 67 for the win :trophy::face_with_monocle: