Beans for everyone (Part 2)

First guess

67 second guess

17 final try
Thanks for the opportunity!

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108 third guess. Thank you kindly @THCeed :slightly_smiling_face::v::green_heart:

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Good luck all, this is too many numbers at once, Im lost

Thanks for the tag @luxton


I am going to wait for a while 54 numbers have been chosen so far and that would leave slightly under 75% unchosen not good odds! :joy::joy::joy:

54 in the above statement is not a number for one of my picks. :+1:

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Will laugh my ass off if it’s 54! :rofl::rofl:


no man it’s 188

or 88, 4 sure

Both them numbers have already been put up :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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oh well – tuff to keep track scolling on through… 189 then

That one is good :blush: down to down to 145 numbers left to choose from! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::hugs:

Same disclaimer on the 145! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

  1. 137 my 2 round catch up

13.1313 lol decimals allowed jk

Second guess is 17

#148. more words here

125 :call_me_hand:t2: Thanks for the opportunity :pineapple: :cake:
@THCeed :partying_face:

112, where the players dwell.

116 … players plus four…

166 Is my second guess