Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Nice! Look at them doinks! :joy:


Way to go.
That’s her.

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I had to pull one of those Fat Bottom Girls it was a boy in a dress LOL

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Lady boy huh? :joy:
Hey don’t blame me. From a distance and doin about 56.33 kph some of em look pretty good! :rofl:

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It’s so hard to tell sometimes. Lol

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Right up until it’s really easy to tell! :joy:

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YEAHikes. Lol

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Off to work everybody enjoy your day.


coming along nice


@THCeed look at the leaf in bud pic different than the rest of plants

It looks like the one on the right is an LSGTK, what are they?

nice view from your terrace @THCeed !

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Out of likes.
:heart: :ocean: :heart:

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They are all the same lsw but maybe a floor mix got in there the ones in back are reveged one in front from seed I had to turn lights down for my cg to show sex and now it’s in flower and so were they and I put outside this was months ago cg still in tent

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Had to stop by my daughters and take care of her cat while they’re away…popped outside and took a look at your 22P that they stole from me :grin:


That is looking good. Looks like about 3-4th week of flower. Any smell?
Also looks 7-8 feet.


I can see it now that I’ve zoomed in on the photo.

You’re correct on the height…sorry, I didn’t check the smell

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Solid looking plant. Looks like some big colas forming.


There’s a smegma strain? That’s foul af!:joy::joy: