(BIDDING CLOSED)Auction to help out our brother @toastyjakes part 2

Hello all,
I just wanted to give a quick update! I have been healing very well! Still some pains here and there when I try to do things I’m not supposed to, or it rains lol. The doctor begrudgingly raised me to a 5 pound lifting restriction. They ordered 12 more sessions of physical therapy so that I can do strengthening. That should be done by the end of August. I’ve been using 2 pound weights! So I’m proud of my progress. :smiley: I would not have been able to heal as well as I have without the help from all of you that relieved many of the stresses. I have finally gotten a new job at the bank here in town so I can walk to work and there is no lifting luckily.
Again, thank all of you so much 🩷 :heart: :sparkling_heart:


Happy to hear things are progressing well and things are much easier for you.
Good luck at the new job! How exciting!
Keep getting stronger!
Just tell @toastyjakes he still needs to take good care of you. Lol :v:


@MrsTJakes well that’s awesome!! Also congrats on the new gig, glad to see things are working out for you guys!


That’s great news to read @MrsTJakes . You can be proud indeed. Beware though, office work has its own troubles :wink: Hope things will continue to get better. Enjoy the summer!


That’s amazing news @MrsTJakes . Glad things are progressing in a positive direction for you. Don’t push too hard on those 5lb weights, you don’t want to mess up your progress no matter how much your brain is saying go, go, go. Great work on the new job, I am sure you will do great. Nice to have work within walking distance. You can get some exercise, earn some money and have something to keep your mind occupied. That’s really cool. Thanks for keeping us up to date on your progress. Was wonderful to log in and read this. Some great news to start the day. :v:


Cap Junky Snip from lot #51 @LoveDaAutos transplanted from three-gallon to a five-gallon fabric pot and put into flower today. I was only able to root one of the three snips. No worries though, I have one cut rooted and put in a one-gallon pot today and will pot another rooted cut tomorrow.


Gorgeous looks like you got her headed in the right direction.


The second rooted Cap Junky cut before I put her in a pot. Looked on the third day nothing, looked on the fifth day nothing, looked on the seventh day nothing gave up. Looked again ten days later and BOOM roots. It is like boiling water, a watched cut never roots.


That’s beyond rooted, if that was in the ground it would be halfway to China by now.

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