BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

That’s what I’m thinking. Maybe do a trial next time and isolate a plant in an area that I know is buggy. Take some of the dried peppers and grind them real fine and mix like a tablespoon in a gallon of water and spray the plant. Might be on to something here. It does seem like I heard of someone using cayenne to keep bugs away. Hmmm!


I’ve also heard of people using peppers to make a spray. Not exactly sure of what. Might have to start growing some hot peppers in my tent.


In my vegetable garden we plant Marigolds in the rows with the tomatoes. Bugs hate them. The smell of those flowers works wonders.


Wife and I were talking about this very subject at breakfast. She was saying her grandpa used to use marigolds in his garden to keep bugs away.
Wonder. If a guy would plat a row of marigold in his tent would that be positive reinforcement?


I would think so. However the smell are Marigolds is potent and I dislike it intensely. I think even one in a small place would be more than enough.


Hey I wanted to show this one too. This was the first seed that got germinated of my Blak N Blu Cookies. I have been doing the same thing with her as I am with th Afghan clone. Same nutes. Same schedule. Just like peppers and tomatoes. Tap water. Not pH’ed. Only difference. She is right in the ground. And I say SHE. Shes confirmed girl. About 5weeks old.


She’s a beauty man! I am only running six plants this next grow coming up. Your B&B is one on my list.
I hope mine looks that strong.
I keep saying I’m gonna drop seeds soon and then I walk into the grow and think about the amount that I’ll, hopefully, end up with. :slight_smile: It’ll take a bit for me to smoke through that much. What a terrible problem to have. :laughing:


Those Monstercrpped Afghani plants that I harvested. The ones with those huge colas?
Dried and trimmed weight was 88 grams on on plant and 79 grams on the other plus 28 grams of trim.
So 167 grams of good smoking bud from those 2 plants, at $10 per gram saved me $1670 at dispensary prices in Oklahoma City.


Those are some boss savings my friend! Great job!

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Well. We had a storm last night. 60-70 mph straight line wind. It knocked over a 2 x 6 I had covering a large space in my fence. Just to keep prying eyes away. Anyways the board blew over and raked down one side of my outdoor Blak N Blu Cookies plant. Took out a couple branches. I tied some back up but don’t have much hope. If it had landed 1 inch closer to the plant, it would have killed the whole plant. It’s always something.


That’s horrible man. I gotta check mine. We had big hale. I got back from camping for the weekend and just passed out.


At least it did not kill the plant. But it does change my plan for crossing a couple branches. Was going to do a branch of PPP from @DougDawson and redo the Black Lebanese from @lefthandseeds on another branch and leave the rest for test smoke. I have since ran out of branches. Haha. Maybe I will do it anyways and just smoke the chaff. That should give me an idea on the quality of smoke produced by BNBC.


Wow Mike that’s crazy, good thing it didn’t blow the whole fence down!

I feel you bro. There’s an old Japanese proverb “Nana korobi, ya oki” which translates to “Fall down 7 times, stand up 8”

I swear the guy who came up with it was growing weed :joy:


found this post during my search for what folks are doing to keep out the bugs

  • just had a hella indoor aphids outbreak and learned that ants had brought them into my tent - go figure.
    I used Maggies 3-1 for quick fix - now I’m searching to find what are good companion plants for my garden

  • here’s a couple sites I found.

Best Companion Plants for Growing Marijuana - a Pot for Pot

(Best Companion Plants for Growing Marijuana)

List Of Companion Plants For Quality Cannabis - RQS - Royal …

(List Of Companion Plants For Quality Cannabis - RQS - Royal Queen Seeds



Ladybugs will destroy aphids. They only kept the Spider Mites at bay. A little. To be honest the only thing i have found to defeat Spider Mites is. To start over. Those little bastards have more lives than Fritz the Cat.


make sure you drown the fuckers on your clones when you start over. Kill the infestation once and for all.


I have noticed seedings get a little burnt when you try to drown bugs ininsecticde. Even the insecticidal soap really fucks with the leaves.


naw I drown the bugs in water for 30 min then wash them off with the vegetable sprayer. I know it sounds radical but it really works for thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies etc. Anything that needs oxygen in the atmosphere to live.


Do tell. Is there a special method to use like fill the sink and cover yoursoil then turnthe plant upside down inthe water. Is that close?

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pretty close :slight_smile:

I take it out of the pot, remove some of the leaves then soak it underwater for 30min, take it out and spray it off. Make sure to clean off all the eggs with the sprayer. Also make sure the plant is totally under the water, can’t let the buggers get a gasp of air.