Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Hopefully nothing I need. But I haven’t seen anything listed anywhere yet.


I found someone with a pack of Hollyweed V1 for sale, so I’m gonna try to see if he’ll accept a trade or something, as I’m near broke from seed shopping recently, so I need to barter with my collection a bit before tapping into more savings lol

I would love to run both Hollyweed v1 and v2 and see the difference between the Hollywood Pure Kush and the Topanga Pure Kush mommas.

I have v2 already, but wish me luck in getting this pack too, I’d love to F2 it and share as well. Or just use a momma in some experimental crosses.


@DreaminGone Hey bud, I didn’t want to yack it up on the Bodhi Strain Guide thread, but do you have a smoke report on that Black Raspberry? If not, thoughts? Im days away from finishing up two very different phenos.


Was DLA 6 a limited release that’s hard to get now? Curious as someone I follow on IG has offered up a pack but a bit higher price than most bodhi packs go for.


Yea it’s no longer available and can never be made again. The Iraqi Ranya mom is gone. Shoe at Headie Gardens has 2 packs available for $120 each. I’d go through him before anyone else. DM and I’ll give you his email if you’re interested. Gotta F2 them though lol. All ya’ll scooping these older packs better be F2ing them lol Especially that Hollyweed if you get it @Weednerd.Anthony lmao


Curious who’s got the BT for sale? Thought I was gifted some, but can’t confirm the source. Thanks.


Is this an older one or is it still available?



I got a pack of Black Triangle when the last drop happened. Got that and Monarch with the Hawaiian indica freebie. Got it from speakeasy. Just checked their website, it’s out I’m afraid.


Sorry looks sold out even though says low stock


Have to wait for the next drop. TK x HP, so possibly could be remade at will…? Hopefully I can grab some more of BT and Black Raspberry. I have deep feelings for them both. I tossed them together and am loving the combined results too.
Sending Love! I hope everyone runs into an old or new friend that has some amazing herb in their pocket to share, and then it turns out that they grow it!


Having never grown either, I can’t speak about plant morphology, but I’ve smoked the shit outta both and don’t really think there’s a noticeable difference between the two. Honestly, they seem like the same weed to me. Both are pretty stony.

I did really wanna grab a couple packs of that Hollyweed v2 when it was released, though haha, but I couldn’t justify it. Plus, I just didn’t feel like refreshing my cart and crossing my fingers that I could,”Maybe hopefully I’ll get these seeds before they sell out!!!” haha.

I don’t have the energy for that shit anymore haha…


I have had stuff just labeled as “Pure kush” from LA dispensaries, (I used to live in So Cal, but my parents moved and I met my wife so I moved) so not sure if that would be closer to HPK or the TPK.

I know there’s also Suge Nite Pure Kush too.

I’ve heard also the two that I’m talking about used in Hollyweed and Hollyweed V2, are both pretty Stoney and heavy smoke, but there are some different traits while growing if what I’ve heard is true that is.

Exactly how I feel about most new drops and new strains, but when it comes to Bodhi I’ll deal with the bs to get his newest work.

haha so from the last drop I got the Panama x DLA5, Hollyweed v2, Monarch, and Pleiadian Hashplant but not the Electric Hashplant or the Soul Food restock.


And Malibu Pure Kush, not sure how that relates to the others.


Sounds good. Grow ‘em and let us know how they turn out.

Probably the same weed. I’ve smoked all of them and none of them seemed much different as far as the high was concerned.

I will say that I’ve got a Malibu Pure Kush/Lemon Thai hybrid growing right now (from a breeder who isn’t Bodhi haha) and it’s a very weird plant. I can’t figure out if it’s leaning Malibu or leaning Lemon Thai or what. Looking forward to blazing it, though…


One other thing that I was just thinking about, @yardgrazer, is that I’m fairly certain that all of those “Malibu/Topanga/Hollywood” etc designations were basically just “code” or whatever for the same weed being grown in different areas of LA.

Like, do you remember back in the day when you had to worry about talking on the phone about drugs, so you’d just be like,”Yeah, Hollywood’s ready,” or,”Topanga’s good to go,” or whatever? I feel relatively positive that that’s what’s going on with all of these “different” Pure Kush things named for different cities. Maybe they seemed different because of the way they were being grown/dried/cured, maybe they looked a little different, but if the high’s the same, the high’s the same.

I know it’s hard to believe now, but there actually was a time when you’d get that call and be like,”Fuck! I have to drive out to Malibu right now to grab an elbow before it’s all gone!” Or whatever. “Gawddamnit, man, I have to drive to out to Topanga fast as possible,” and frantically rush to wherever to get that weed before it was all gone haha…


Doc D? you post the best pics man…got any? :sweat_smile:


Let’s keep it bodhi related. I think mini tiger said it best himself to weednerdanthony “ no one gives a fuck about your grow from other breeders”


Lol, so harsh :rofl:


Eh, since we’re talking about Malibu Pure, why not mention the Malibu Pure hybrid I’m growing right now?

Anyway, I thought you were just gonna ignore all of my posts and not respond to them. That’s what you said, anyway. I know I always ignore yours… Until now, I guess haha…


Really? I post the best pics? Thanks, dude! I think my pics suck haha, but I’m glad you like them.

And yeah, Doc D. I just posted some on the grow log that doesn’t include the Malibu Pure in the title haha. That one’s kind of starting to go off the rails…