BOG Sour Strawberry Preservation!

The first PC I fooled around with was CP/M machine that I could play adventure, that would load from an 8" floppy.


ok thought I’d share a little update of the Sour Stawberry before i smoke all of her :grin:
jk she is just bearly dry enough to smoke. :sunglasses: she has been hanging for 5 days, It’s pretty humid here right now. She is the first of three plants. approx 1-1.5 oz per plant but more importantly is she tastes the best, Just like sour strawberries



Kinda looks like a strawberry too lol


Sorry for the shitty picture I smashed the lens on my phone camera and I’m using the selfie camera :rofl:

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That looks sooo yummy :yum:


My mouth legit started watering looking at that bud, looks awesome


Nice work man! Tasty looking treats there.

Hope mine turn out as good. :wink::+1:


Come on baby, finish Flowering already lol


Now thats a haircut!

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Lol that’s the 3rd hair cut already


They’ve got lots of vigour :+1: :peace_symbol:


seriously though, 3 times I’ve super croped these and gave them haircuts. I mean I’ve litterly snapped every branch 90° to 180° its a flipping intangled mess :flushed:.

They just bend back up after a few days.


I can’t remeber what it was that I was growing possibly NL and had a similiar experience. Didn’t give them 3 haircuts but everytime I flopped them over 24 to 36 hours later they were back to their normal postion.

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The more you pluck , the more grows back : ) like them fishermen that where chopping up the starfish and throwing them back overboard again thinking they were culling them , when really they were causing starfish overload in the bay : )


Well I couldn’t find the items I wanted locally…
So I went a different route… Won’t do 10 pots, but I can get 8 watered like this.

Still gonna attache this to my

We will see if pressure could be any issue…

I’ll slam all this together tomorrow & do a mock run.


I have a similar pump for the water jug and I’m curious how you’ll make out with that. Mine has an automatic one minute shut off so it wouldn’t work but I’m curious is it’s enough pressure. I actually just ordered an auto watering kit off Amazon that should be here today with it’s own pump.

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Well here is the “RIG”

Pressure fitted the black tubing into the Facet Tube, Used plumbers tape to “seal it” then used Electricity tape to cover that…

Used the 3 way splitters that came with this kit, cut some sections of tubing and force fitted everything… The 3 way splitters come blocked on 1 side, so I drove a Nail through 1 of them and made it a 4 way splitter, that’s the one connection to the Facet in the center of the manifold.

So now when I turn this thing on, I’ve got 9 outlets of water at the same rate of flow…

All I gotta do now is use the “Spikes” that come with this kit to hold the outflow tubes in each grow bag… Eventually I’ll get Water Emitters :droplet: to dispurse water evenly across the soil or maybe even just use some Soft pvc tubing to make a Rain Water Ring…

@Slick1 @DougDawson


Definitely curious to see how you make out with it!

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Tested & Failed…

Too many outputs to be useful.

I’ll have to use it the ways it’s ment to be used.

1 long tube with a splitter at each pot. The water flow is really decent with 1 hose.

This device also Auto shuts off at 1min mark.

But I think that’s plenty of water in 1 min per Pot.


Bummer man, well it was worth a try. Cool idea anyway