BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction in honour of brother Useful

Hopefully by the time these are shucked and ready I will have everything that’s needed. Thank you to those of you who have donated so far.
Much appreciated, you guys have my utmost respect


I like that idea! That’s awesome @Redrum92
Tbh I feel dumb for not thinking of it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


download (1)

I feel like neither of these are quite the color I’ve seen before, but it fits close enough!


Hell yes it is! She is henceforth dubbed……
“The blood orange pheno” awesome!


Awesome. Happy to be able to contribute anything to this lovely project


An awesome contribution I can see Useful going duh :roll_eyes: up there right now :laughing:


Very cool, out of likes.


@Pleiochasium all depends on what’s being measured is dependent on the length of that inch

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There is the American inch and the UK’s hawfinch.


That blood orange looks tasty :drop_of_blood: :tangerine: :tongue:

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You gotta be on to something here, my mentors brother popped a pack of hoodoo, he got this one that self topped and stayed squat. A COMPLETE STANDOUT and outlier , the things is pure white it’s so frosty and smells like Chem 91 x 50 it’s insane. He literally was showing me earlier today and I remembered this. I’d like to put this to the test…. :thinking:


I like runts man…
The self topping is often associated with boron deficiency. These “runts” we find and most likely scrap early on are said to be misadapted to modern nutrient regimen or grow methods, and once dialed could prove to grow normally and be solid plants…

one guy even jokingly said they are the keepers.

Was he joking? Not so sure now haha


That could be hormonal imbalance. But yeah, modern way to grow/breed probably is related. A combination of this different factors most likely I’d bet.


I, of course, don’t have all the answers…

But weed - for the better or worse - is forever changing. I do believe something important was kicked out most genes pools.

New school vs old school… you could say I’m obsessed with guerilla growing and for the most part I use very similar feed regimen with consistant great results.

Over gulp many thousands of plants (prolly passed 1m by now lol) top health with shocking ease.

But then… I got my hands on le untouched old school… boy did I get schooled lol.

Giving me “are you trying to kill me” looks from the get go

Happens… but why ?

Some of these old lines still have soul… producing their own enzymes, encouraging specific microbes populations, a contributor… thriving in seemingly poor soils.

Like these giant equatorials growing in monsoon washed soils… “food? Ugh, miss me with that bs
, I’ll make my own” :wink:

I think we short circuiting nature with ego…


@Mithridate I completely agree, things really seem drastically different in more recent years.

Hopefully we will know more as time goes on!!


I’m working really hard behind the curtains… trying to better my prose. If I could translate into text concepts that haunt me I’d probably shock the world :grin:

Hopefully we as enthusiasts don’t get kicked out our own party :yum:


Not over my dead body brother! The stuff in your head never ceases to amaze me, which is a big reason I have the utmost faith in our cause :wink:


Exactly right, I posted a bit back that it would take an event of biblical proportion for me to lose a line, “overkill is underrated” and I know you are the same.

Once we go full force, time itself will slow downnn brah😝


I’ve noticed that too. I do living soil but set it up really hot with homestead inputs. Most hybrids do pretty well but I’ve burned quite a few landraces that way. They usually recover but sometimes it’s like they’re different plants. And I much prefer not having to worry about inputs.


Absolutely brother. This I know for a fact ! :facepunch:t2:

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