Cannabis growing podcasts and youtube channels

Breeders Syndicate 2.0 - Diesels A to Z Sour, Headband, Roadkill, Super Skunk Breeding Traits - YouTube

the breeders syndicate is matt riot and notsodog, typically they dsicuss pot varieties and the history of the modern weed scene, based primarily around the forums and older seed catalogues. great stuff


Love his editing and I used to really follow him but he seems to post like every other month now… at one point I just started from his very first video’s and went all the way through them lol He is good but I really wish he would maybe shorten his video’s a bit and post more frequent.


I just listened to this breeders syndicate about sour diesel on spotify. wow that was amazing - awesome reccy!

b b b bump! :hourglass:

What ever happened to CrazyDago?

After Subcool passed I lost track of that part of the scene… (growtube roundtable) vaguely remember reading he went off to Vader at OceanGrown, who apparently split unhappily with Ninja…(?)

I see GrandMasterLevel is still at it & TrickyD & Pedro are still active…Hisnhersgrow…
